Hey everyone, I just want to start off by saying I should have found this site a long time ago. I am a stay at home mom of an 8yr old, 3yr old and soon to be 2yr old. I have been struggling with my weight since I became pregnant with my first child, when she was 2 I lost it all and was good to go, started gaining it back and then ended up having 2more babies 18mo apart. And since I had my last (and final) baby, I have been really stressed/a bit depressed/struggling severly with my weight. I can lose up to 8lbs then gain it back, Ive been losing those same 8lbs for 2yrs now! I can start out doing great when I set my mind to lose weight, I can control my eating and lose a few pounds and then the weightloss will stop even when Im doing great with my food intake/calorie counting, then thats when i notice the depression gets worse and I catch myself secretly binge eating like theirs no tomorrow. Sometimes its at night, sometimes its all during the day, I know Im doing it but cant seem to stop or dont seem to care? Sometimes I can go days without binging but sometimes I can binge for days at a time, =(
I hate this, I need it to stop, I need to learn to control it and I guess know that I am not the only one, My husband doesnt know I do it and Im too embarrased to say anything to him about it, it seems stupid to me, like really Laur, you just stand there and scarf this down then move on to see what else you can scarf down before someone sees you? =/
Besides my husband, I have noone else, hes been laid off since thanksgiving and gives me a bit of sanity and thanks to him just being here with me I havent been as bad as I had gotten but hes going back to work full time (100+hrs a week) and I just know its going to get worse. He started working part time hrs and days the past week and thats when the binging started again and I just dont understand it.
Welcome to the group! You aren't alone. I don't tell my husband what I'm up to and sometimes I panic and think, maybe he knows. But really, joining this group is a good step. Can you get therapy?
Therapy is out for now, unless my insurance changes. Its so funny how they will cover gastric, but not therapy for things like this. Hmm... lol
That is so strange. Here, let's cut you open and tie you up, but no, let's not deal with the problem. That would probably fix it and we're not interested in fixing it.
Anyway, I hope your insurance comes to it's senses. But check out group therapy programs in your area or OEA. They are often cheap or free. At least that way you can get some tools to help you. Keep in mind, I am barely doing this myself, so my advice is always with an asterisk.