I am an extremely shy person and I have lots of trouble making friends and meeting new people especially guys. So about three months ago one of my friends asked me if I wanted her to set me up with one of her guy friends because he had asked her if she knew anyone he might be interested in. I was feeling particularily brave at the moment and said I guess and when I met him I liked him right away. We had the same interests and he had a great sense of humor. We texted everyday from right after school til ten or eleven at night every single night. He was so sweet and would always tell me goodmoeming and goodnight. I had never had a boyfriend before though, so I told him that and he helped me to feel not nervous and very comfortable, and about a week later I had my first boyfriend. We talked and texted all the time and even though he went to a different school we found time to see each other neraly two to three times a week. I was nervous about trying new things with him but he helped me to feel comfortable and I felt like I could talk to him about anything. He told me he loved me about a month and a half after we were dating and I knew I loved him back even if it seemed really early. Then a couple days ago he started to not text me quite as much ms seemed very reserved when we hung out. He never wanted to talk he really only wanted to make out and he seemed like he kept wanting to go farther and farther more than I was ready for. Then yesterday we were going to hang out but his car died right in front of our house when he came to pick me up. I laughed and said it would be okay so we went down stairs to hang out. We sat there and he wasn't talking and I asked him what was wrong and he said that I didn't want to know, but I begged him to tell me anyway and he said that we needed to break up. I asked him why and he said for many reasons the first being that I was catholic and he wasn't and the second being that we were on different levels. I thought I handeled it pretty well I tried not to cry and I didn't beg for him to change his mind. I told him I would miss him but he just sat there and said I know. His mom came to pick him up and I asked him for a hug. He turned around and gave me a hig and that's when the realization hit me because we always hugged and kissed whenever he had to leave and I always stalled cuz I didn't want him to leave but he would always turn around and say I love you and I'll text you when I get home. Yesterday I realiEdbwhile ibwasbhugging h that he wasn't going to turn around and say that and that I might very well never see or talk to him for a very long time. I miss him so much. I don't know what to do. We were always texting and talking and now I just feel like I don't know what to so with myself. Everything reminds me of him, his favorite song, how he would always point out cool cars on the street, and even just hearing his name on a tv how makes me said. I am nervous that I will never find someone again because it was pure luck that I found him in the first place. I just really need some help and advice and I really wante to get this all off of my chest and you are absolutely amazing if you actually read through all that.
guardguru, i'm sorry firstly that your feeling heartbroken hun.
i don't think that there are any words that will make you feel "instant better". but i must say that not sure if it's your catholic upbringing but i did'nt hear or read between the lines that you compromised your viginity and i am so proud of you dear and are'nt you glad you did'nt?
young love is such a difficult and devasting time when it's not working in your favor. but this i can promise, there will be another. your much to precious remember to allow any young many beyond your personal limits and that is something that you should be beaming about dear one.
again i'm sorry for your heartbreak honey and hoping something i said will help in some small way
kathy is absolutely right. the first love and breakup is so hard. and when you are in it at the moment, it feels just like it won't end. but it really does and you will heal and be happier in the future. if there is anyway to distract yourself - avoid things that remind you of him- make yourself spend time with friends and family- it may very well help ease the pain somewhat. if you are so inclined, i have heard prayer can be a very powerful salve in the healing process. i have heard that the prayer circles of little old catholic grammas are pretty strong- perhaps an anonymous prayer request? i am not sure how you feel about that, just know that my intent is genuine in trying to think of something that can help you and my heart is with you.
warm wishes
Thank you guys so much. I'm trying not to think too much of him or let myself get down to much. It's really hard right now and I feel like I will never find anyone like him again. I know this isn't true but it's hard to convince myself if that when I'm feeling so down. I can't sleep because every time I do I dream if him and then I'm sad in the morning because I know that he isn't there anymore. Thank you so much for your support though you ate so kind and I will keep fighting and staying strong.
and do keep posting honey, questions, concerns, tips....there is a world of people in this community that would jump at the chance to support you and i think you would them, also.
Its been almost an year now. I still check her fb to see if she is with another guy. Its not normal right?