This is a very good article regarding yoga and how it's helpful to women with breast cancer;
"According to a new study, practicing yoga can improve the health and mental outlook of women with breast cancer who are undergoing radiation treatment.
The study was conducted at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and was done as a collaboration with Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana in Bangalore, India. The yoga institute is the largest in India..."
i have spoken to a couple of woman on the site that will hopefully find this helpful. thanks puppy for all you do
Oh, thank you so much Kathy! I really hope that this information can help.
of course puppy, these 2 wonderful woman had huge burdens but great attitudes
How amazing! People with such strength and positivity are incredible...and you are one of them :-)
don't know about that puppypal. just doing my best to survive my now. thanks for your kind words as always dear friend.....lots of love to you honey
I know and understand Kathy! But, I still think that you are so positive, strong, and amazing!
oh thank you sweet puppy, bit at this typing having a real bad bout with the pain honey.......working on getting me stable again here. i can't make a day without horrible pain yet puppy so keep me on the prayer list please...p.s n/a yup guru business, was yapping with ross yesterday and the same thing happened. mystery solved...oh another p.s. check private mess....not urgent honey, just great idea from another member....who loves ya!!!!
Kathy, you are in every one of my prayers and I am constantly thinking of you and sending you healthy healing energy. I know that God is with you, watching closely over you, and giving you the inner strength to make it through this one last challenge. I am always here for you and holding your hand through this.
I will check my private message asap. Can't wait to read it. Thank you so much!
puppypal, my island in the ocean of life. thanks honey. we just are comming off round 3 for the day. oh dear itd going to get better i know it to. thanks honey ....your always there and it means so much. ....ok hunnt bunny lets end this on a softer note.....who let the dog out!!! woof woof woof woof woof....has to be 5 woofs puppy!!!
Only you can make me laugh out loud like made me laugh and laugh and laugh, thank you for that, much needed on this morning :-) It reminds me of a scene in a very silly movie [which I may have already mentioned to you before] The Hangover where the guys are ready for their big night in Vegas and one of them starts quoting lines from the song "Who Let The Dogs Out". Too funny!
How are you doing and feeling today? How was round 3? Sending you big hugs & lots of love.
hehehe i will have throw that one out now and again, it really is cute....managed to get thru round 3....managed to get thru round 1 today...oh i just keep telling it's part of the process in the positive direction..
need to sneek in a site questions....if someone trying to log in is "blocked" what does that mean and how can it be fixed do you know?
lots of love to you my best puppypal.....
I am so happy that you made it through round 1, and I know that you'll make it through your next round even more smoothly. Let me know how it progresses for you.
If someone is "blocked" that means that the Site Admin blocked a user for a purpose, such as spamming. Have you experienced this or had someone experience this?
i junped rank i hope s99 you remember you don't mind got vic involved tried both of ya whoever answer first i got to it. hey its dlph99 you remember her i call her d gf. she asked me this morning sssooo i got busy trying to help. he said the same thing about spamming, i think its a computer glitch, i can't see her doing never know i'm trying to help her ...did i do right puppy? don't want to jump rank or disrespect your position here you know that. love ya lots honey thank you....i hope we can get her back she was/is cool and i think an asset to our little community here
love you puppypal....i have survived round 1, hoping no more rounds EVER but we'll get thru it won't we honey?
love you my puppypal
Oh my goodness Kathy, of course, it's always best to ask anyone and everyone who can help. There is no rank here whatsoever, we are all on the same level :-) You are just the sweetest ever for being so incredibly kind and considerate. I am so sorry that happened to dlph99, is everything okay for her now? Please let me know if there's anything at all that I can do. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention, I always want to make sure that everything here runs smoothly for everyone.
just don't want to over step, you are "the" guru you know and you are one because of how good you are. so i just want to be respectful. d gf, nope that friend issue has been a mess and now it's over, we've been yapping about that ah but she did buy that new car she had been looking for for it last night. really looking forward to her being back with us,
side not puppy....i'm trying to make sure the support someone page is fairly up to date when i can....i know you mentioned your recovered from eating disorder.....i would like to stay away from those unless absolutely necessary as i really don't have a clue and dont think i could be real helpful although christa33 and colorfulgirl we rather leave the ones unattended to you if its ok...i'm going to assume that we don't want more that one page or less of unaswered support somone correct? while and as i'm able i want to be of the best help i can for the site....chow chow chow (get it? hehehe love ya puppypal
Yet again Kathy, you've put the biggest smile on my face, and I thank you so much for that. You are just the best ever for being so wonderfully concerned about and invested in this Site, that's why it's so fantastic....because of you :-)
And, that's so perfect re; Support Someone. I try to answer everyone regardless of whether or not I have direct experience, because I want to make sure that they at least get a response, see that they have some support, and hopefully others will see the post on the main page as well. Also, leaving the eating disorders to me is perfect, thank you so much!
I am so happy to hear that you and d have been communicating. I really hope to see her back here soon, I miss her very much. I'll send her a quick message hello. Thank you so much for letting me know how she's doing.
How are you doing and feeling today? How are things progressing on your end? I hope all is well. Sending you tons of hugs & lots of love.
you are my sunshine my only sunhine, you make me happy when skies are blue, you'll never know dear how much i love you, please don't take my sunshine away.
i blush, your to kind and the site would be just as good if i were not here, i may add a little agrrivation to the guru hehe but thank you puppypal for saying so. yup looking for our d gf to show up, nothing yet.
for real honey i'm very discouraged today. tomorrow will be 4 weeks post surgery and so far these implants are'nt helping much at all. i still have to take the heavy duty meds, but looking at the brightside.....the intense hell fire burning has all but disappeared???? since the slice and dice (is has gotten less and less??? so thats a positive bionics actually can aggrivate my groin area???? so we will continue to test our bionics and see what we can do when we can do it....uuhhh did ya get that, hehe i confused myself while i was typing it hehe.
so my dearest puppypal in a nut shell i guess i am still in test mode with all this. i just expanded because you have a way of getting me yapping some days. i recall my early days here and how i was so desperate for human contact and just help with what was going on and there you were each day.....hhhmmm can anyone say lifesaver.......ok miss long winded is gonna hush for now. are you back from all your traveling adventures or are ya still on the move? love you honey...see first paragraph again..kathy
I LOVE that song and sing it far too often. How did you know that?!?! We are just so on the same page my most magnificent friend :-)
How are you doing and feeling today? I can imagine that the overwhelming process of healing can get the better of you, and you can't always be Suzy Sunshine, as you are human after all. Though, it is so great that the burning pain has lessened, isn't that a very good and positive sign? And, how are the bionics doing for you, do they help alleviate any of the pain? I can imagine that the meds, most especially the pain meds, are a MUST because there is less stress on your body when you are more relaxed.
You are never ever long winded, I love love love each time I receive a message and/or comment from you. I feel like I know you and I am actually there sitting next to you having a chat. Boy oh boy, would you and I cause quite a stir and be hooting and hollering for hours on end ;-)
how did i know....hhhmmm must be something about the spiritual axiom. are you kidding....letting us both loose at the same time, same place....we indeed would cause quite the stir alright!!! actually other than the burning the bionics are not at all working to any benefit yet. i'm actually having a really "ungood" day. trying this and that with the bionics has just made the pain i'm a bit discourage and crying alot. but that's ok as i can try again another day.
i'm just so scared of pain puppy and i just can't seem to get away from it. pain meds do some good thank god. it's just a very hurting day. it will be ok at some point as it always gets managable at some point. i'm doing my best on the site today but very slow typing. i think i would die of loneliness if it were'nt for you and this site. so once again my darl'in puppypal...mess received at the time needed. thanks so much honey. you just make sure your taking care of you honey. you got lots going on. love you so much. we will have to plan that party won't we? and it will be brilliant puppypal......