Breast Cancer - Yoga

Kathy, would you mind giving me a bit of insight regarding your bionics and what they are doing [or not doing] for you. I am sure that you don't want to think about them, though you refer to them and I want to make sure that I am always asking the right questions and understanding your progress well. Has your doctor given you any insight on how well your progress is at this stage of your healing and recovery.

Oh, I so wish I could take all of your pain away Kathy. I am praying and praying and praying that it all goes far far away and never ever comes back. I am absolutely always here for you, thinking of you, and praying for you. Please know that you can share anything you would like. We can keep it light when you don't want to think about anything regarding your recovery, and discuss your recovery when you need/want to.

Okay, let's get light, have you seen anything new about Kate and William? Their honeymoon at the Seychelles cost them in excess of $72,000/day, wow! And, they met with the Obamas. She is so poised and beautiful, perfect Princess :-) Do you think that our Harry will marry his lovely lady? That's all I have at the moment.

Sending you big hugs & lots of love.

oh puppy i don't mind talking about my bionics whether a good day or "ungood" day. they are set up to provide pain relief in my leg/back/groin/tailbone area via stimulation....ugh this time it does'nt help and acctually makes things worse in the end....yesterday was the worst day i'm have in a couple of weeks, i had not turned them on in a couple of weeks giving the surgery time to heal, figuring that it would be better as early on the use was driving me crazy with still being raw from surgery and the stimulation. so along with being very discouraged yesterday the pain was awful and as i said i did a lot of crying because i had unrealistic expectations thinking...aahh time to heal, it should work better, even planned that thursday we would try again....nope so big let down.....puppy i think a puppy post just came to me about "unrealistic expectations in life" i see the surgeon the 23rd of june again. there were no guarantees on any of this.

doctor just did the surgery part and would be concerned with the body rather than the system that was implanted....the system workings would be the fella from st jude who would help with other programs in my system to help cover the pain. i see now why you need a phyc evaluation before hand. its really so overwhelming, i key to anyone getting a sytem implanted is that at least for me...the deep grief of saying good by to who you where....i can't express how i wailed with grief a couple of days after surgery...did'nt realize till later thats what is was. they don't warn you about these things. now if i hav'ent made it clear enough or understandable to you puppy, let me know, ask me more questions i don't mind talking about it.

now more important business kate/wills ooohhh grand couple they are....she is so perfectly poised proper and just a gorgeous woman that i have my little set up here, what is the website that covers all things royal? before i had the wii and could'nt get very far on that. want to add to my favorites to check out our brilliant new royal couple hehehe nope harry is waiting for me...that girl he is seeing poo paa just a stand in till i'm my sassy self again hehehe if he is the marrying type he now can since the eldest got married i guess thats how it works with our royals. i don't think i've seen him alot with her like will/kate but ya never know.....stay ya honey and thank you for wanting more insite into the new me.....ask anything anytime love, love and more love your way honey....remember to take care of puppy during this hum hum hum stressful time your in.....i'm all ears if you wanna yap about any of that to honey.

Oh my goodness Kathy, thank you so much for giving me more insight. I really can't even begin to imagine what you have been through and continue to go through. I hurt for you, and I just pray harder and harder each day and will continue to do so for you. I can only imagine the psychological ramifications post-surgery. Does the hospital offer any type of psychological support via therapy in any way? And is there a medical professional who comes to your home to check in on you?

How is your husband doing now and how is your daughter?

Here's one site that I found for you; And, I Googled them and this is what came up; A lot of fun reads for you :-)

Please let me know how you are doing and feeling today. I am here holding your hand through this, I know that you will make it through this and come out better than new on the other end of it.

hey vacation hhmmm you just love us to much ....hehhe
no honey to both questions.....alas i'm your therapy's that feel. it's quite severe honey....geezz a warning would be nice.....husband still running from reality, daughter is just about at meltdown status with her bipolar so sad to say, i'm actually in the better shape then them physcologically speaking...i have my moments daily but regroup and on we go...gotta live in your now, what ever that is, this is my now, my reality so gotta look at all the little good things there to honey....your in the middle of "stuff" yes we make plans but we know how plans go don't we...and do the best we can in the now....remembering that the now will not last forever.....ok now lets get to the good stuff...

finish my message to puppy and then add these goodies to my is much better overall then yesterday so far....but very weepy for various reasons but still ....keep on keepin on.....thanks for checking up honey....i always love hearing from you.....i sure hope you and the kitty have some fun planned....hey get some catnip and then watch the show......hehehe love you honey and thanks so much again for the links and checking go have some fun (or we'll yap later somewhere on the boards hehehe)