Broke up with the guy who gave me herpes. Feeling relived bu

Broke up with the guy who gave me herpes. Feeling relived but also down, Who will want to be with me ? Its so hard coming out.

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i still have told anyone i talked about getting tested with one of my close friends but she's been so busy with her own problems she hasn't had the time :(

1 Heart

@problemsdontevencoverit I haven’t really told anyone either and not sure if I want to.

At first i didn't tell anyone either. It was a secret for 2 years. Finally i was able to hide it and talked to my closest friend. She said it wasn't a big deal. I then continued for a bit to talk to people about it. 3 out of 4 girls i went to for support had it abd i had no clue! It had me feel so much less alone. Plus we are here for you

2 Hearts

@kikitoots24 have they been good in relationships ? I dont know nobody that has it. i only told one friend but thats about it, my parents know.

Yes, the one girl has a baby and a bf. Its possible

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