
I was bullyied when I was a kid, and I hardly had any friends. I just hated going to school school is there anyone that has had the same experience as I did.

Hi Princess! I totally understand your feeling. I don't know if I was bullied to the same extent, but kids in grade school and junior high definitely bullied me. They made fun of everything from my braces to my last name to my mom and our family car. It was really awful and made me want to stay home most days. But I'd love to know where all of those kids that bullied us are today? Sometimes I wonder what they made of themselves.

Yah most days I wanted to stay home as well it was just awful. It's nice to know you can understand. I was bullied for many different reasons. Yah I wonder to where they are now and what they made of themselves too.

I'm really sorry that you ever went through that, it's really so awful. To this day, I don't understand where and why that amount of negativity and anger comes from in kids. It's sad that they feel better about themselves by making others feel so badly. I met many of the parents of these bullies and they all seemed so kind, so it really didn't add up. If the parents were cold and super strict or mean, then I would get it, but on the contrary...they were so nice. So, where does all of that anger and mean-spirited behavior come from?

I went to a new school every year due to being a military kid and was always bullied. I was such a shy kid and they made fun of everything. I have red hair so of course you know all the great jokes they could come up with to put me down. I tried to put it out of my mind because it was really awful. I was always being threatened to be beat up and stigmatized for being "crazy". I went in and out of the hospital and was stigmatized for that as well. I was always in trouble and would come home crying, or fake a stomach ache to not have to go. I would also skip school a lot and fell behind so then I was stigmatized again for being a "bad kid" it trully is horrible. Are you facing some of these issues now sweetie? i'm here if you need to talk I can totally relate more than you could know. Keep your head up love and don't let them get you down. Most of those people have problems and just want to boost up their self esteem to make themselves feel better by putting another down. Learn from them what you don't want to be like and take those words and thoughts of wisdom with you. Treat others how you want to be treated is a good philosophy. You won't be bullied here, here you will be loved and cared for no matter what your situation is. I;m here for you.

much love and light to you

Puppydoglvr, I do agree with you I don't understand either

Soulkiss I can empathize with you, I to used to pretend I was sick so I wouldn't have to go. I sympathize with you that you had to move so much. I feel like I say this on every post but a lot of times it just helps to know other can relate to you. I agree and I did learn from them and that is not how I ever want to be. I am not really facing bullying now but I am so used to not having friends and people not acknologing me that, when people want to be friends I just really think there just being nice but I don't feel like that on here, I am talking about people at work, and the dog rescue I volunteer at. That is a good philosophy treat others how you want to be treated. I do feel loved and cared about on here. Thanks for being there!

Soulkiss, thank you so much for being here and for sharing your story. I am so sorry for what you went through as a child, that's absolutely awful. How do you think that it molded you into adulthood? Do you think that it made you look at life and people any differently? I know that for me, I would never ever treat others the way I was treated as a child by bullies and I only treat other the way I want to be treated...with respect.

Thank you both, it means a lot to be understood. In adulthood I treat others how i want to be treated even though it dosen't seem to make a difference, I'm still pushed around by others demands upon me. i'm too nice so I get taken advantage of a lot, so it makes me paranoid and have few friends because i'm constantly being taken for granted. They see me as their mental punching bag and although sad it is true. I just recently tried to help someone out and she stole from me and took my medication, i was trying to give her a home to stay at for a while but she constantly abused my kindness and pushed me around to manipulate me into what she wanted me to do, so I guess i still get bullied. I'm passive agressive until I blow up, and my rage is enormous. Long story short, I'm a recluse.

love and light

Soulkiss, I can very much relate to what you're going through, as I was bullied by "friends" here and there as an adult. I always tried to be so nice and a true friend to everyone; therefore, some would really take advantage of that kindness. It wasn't until I started to clean house and cut ties with negative aggressive people in my life that things started to change for me. Now, I only surround myself by good positive quality people and anyone else stands out like a sore thumb. I recently went through having to cut ties with a person who I realized really bullied me around for almost 2 years. I couldn't believe that I allowed it to go on for that long. Everyone else in my life is so happy and positive, so how did this person stick around for that long. She came to town one weekend and when we were out with all of our friends, she really did stick out because she was so negative and aggressive. I hit my limit with her and distanced myself. I've had talks with her in the past, but she never changed, so I realized that I either had to take it or distance myself because she'd never change.

I recommend taking a moment to really assess your surroundings. I'd rather have a hand full of good friends than tons of negative ones.

When I came to america I was bullied very very bad in school. I had no friends and everyone treated me like i didnt belong I ended up dropping out of school because i couldnt take being made fun of so badly. I hated school so I missed most of the days and I always was behind in work til the point where I used to get panic attacks just thinking about going on the bus. Know that I have been here for a few years I dont care what anyone thinks of me. I still wish I had went to high school. It would be cool to have bigger dreams then being a housewife. but the past still hurts and has givin me alot of social anxiety. I wish you the best.

Alese, I am so sorry for what you went through, but it seems that you came out better and stronger on the other end of it all which is amazing. Thank you for being here and for sharing your story with us, it always helps to know that you are not alone.

Rasharusty, it's so awful what you had to deal with in school to the point where you were pushed out. And, I am so sorry that it affects you to this day. I understand that you are a house wife, which is so amazing, but have you ever thought of maybe trying to take local classes or classes online to continue your education if that's something that you're interested in doing.

my social anxiety is too bad to continue in school. I just celebrated my 1 yr anniversary. I think i will do better as a housewife than a student lol

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary, that's so wonderful! If being a housewife makes you happy, then you should absolutely focus on that. And, if there are any hobbies or things that you can do from home or in the community, then that's also an option.

I think one day when i get my meds right along with therapy i could go back. hopefully

I am so sure that you will. You are on a new positive path with a successful marriage and your next steps are meds and therapy. You will get there sooner than you think!

There are a lot of people on here that have been bullyied and thanks for sharing, no matter what the reason is behind be bullyied it is not ok, but we all can relate and empathize with each other and be there for each other so thank you so much, I know now I am not the one and only! I am so sorry of what everyone has been through.

been there, and had that. I had a speech problem and learning problem while pretty much in grade school up to middle school. I was made fun of for these things. Told I was a retard, stupid, picked on and tried to keep to myself. In middle school I was picked on for talking to people and responding to people that were not around, which kept me even more to myself. To solve that problem I never really said anything in school unless some one around me responded to the person first, which made me even more of a target for being made fun of plus the fact I ended up being a chubby no I will say it fat kid, so I was much of the time the topic of the jokes. People would treat me like trash for the most part.
So as you see you are not alone in this. And to this day at the age of 39 I am still in a way bullied by my co workers.


Hi K9, thank you so much for being here and for sharing your story with us. I am so sorry for what you dealt with, it's absolutely awful. Where do people get off treating others that way? I am just baffled as to how this behavior is allowed and still around. And, I can completely understand being bullied in a corporate environment, as I was bullied several times and sadly thought that it was the norm, because everyone was so accepting of it.

Princess, I am going to piggy-back your comment; thank you so much to everyone for sharing your stories. I really hope and pray that we put an end to this once and for all.