Call off the puppies I'm alive

I love you ladies too . I am sorry I dropped out for a while without giving you all the heads up first. I did not expect things to hit me as hard as they did . The fourth of July is not a day of freedom for me it is a day of morning. This was the 17th anniversary of the passing of my son. He passed away on the on the the 4th but was born on 5th if that wasn't rough enough It was also to be the day they were going to auction my home off . with that all weighing on my mind and heart on his birthday i found that someone had pried open his box yet when I asked the x2b of course he denied it and even went so far as to say I did it when I was high as if I could ever be that high .

well it took some time but I'm better now I can also give a bit of good news they have decided to hold off on the sale of my home till Sep 6 so I have some time hopefully it wont take this **** judge that long to make his ruling and no still nothing on that

This is a very hard and emotional time. God bless you and give you strength to solve and sort things out the best way possible. I am praying for you. Be safe and God bless you.

Hi Tede and everyone else. I have been out of town and offline for 5 days. It was my first vacation since I filed for divorce, and it was very bittersweet. I missed my husband and when I'm feeling ******, I'd really rather be in the safety of my own home. I had to push myself to have a good time.

Tede: I am glad you have been given an extension in your home and I hope the extra time will allow you to find a more suitable arrangement.

For those who are following my saga, my soon to be ex made the promise of counseling and then he delayed. While I was on my vacation I confronted him. It appears he was telling me what he thought I wanted to hear and has no intention of going. Our divorce will be final in less than 3 weeks. I feel like I have been given a death sentence and I am waiting to be executed. It sucks.

Hi Teddy,

I'm really glad to see you here. We've been texting but I worried even then because of the things you were going through. Again I am so sorry for your loss.

I'm glad you don't need to be out of your home for a while yet. That must feel better. Gosh, I wish the courts would give you the answers you need to move forward. I have never heard of a temp relief hearing answer take so long and I guess my personal opinion is that it's been misplaced or something. I hope it gets straightoned out soon!

How is your new kitty???? Another friend of mine just got a labby puppy!!

Hi Soft, I'm sorry about what your husband was pulling. Hopefully things will get better soon.

Sending hugs, Suzee

Hi Suzee. Thanks for the encouraging words. I am mad at myself for believing he would do it. It's been 54 years, afterall. He wants the path of least resistance, and instant gratification. Counseling will not meet his needs, and I guess he doesn't give a **** what my needs are. Luckily, I have communicated to him with clarity that what he is looking for is a dime a dozen in bars or on the internet, and that I am only interested in a serious commitment. That being said, we are not suited for each other. I wish it could be otherwise, but it isn't.

I am so sorry to hear about your heartache. I know it will neve get easier. But I am glad you have an extension on the house. i hope and pray you hear something soon.
Keep us updated.
Hugs always

Hey Soft, sounds like you've made things very clear to your "has-been". You can't change him and he certainly isn't interested in changing anything, except for maybe a new way to manipulate you!! Keep on your toes, I have a feeling he isn't done trying to get his "way".

Hey Teddy girl!! We need to hear from you again so we know you are doing ok!!! I hope you've just been super busy with things you love to do!!

Sending hugs to both, Suzee

Hi Suzee: hasbeen, that's a good one. Yes, I am absolutely certain that my hasbeen is trying to manipulate me and am **** sure he is manipulating the pig he is screwing. He wants to keep his foot in each door until he is sure of the outcome. I am holding strong. I must admit that with counseling, I'd take him back as of today, but there is no movement on his part. I am meeting with attorney wednesday 10 a.m to go over final papers. I will appear before the judge for a default decree the first week of August. I am heartbroken and having lots of anxiety, but I know I must face this and it's coming whether I like it or not. I am becoming more and more curious about this new 'other woman' but it's a morbid curiosity and I know she is nothing to me and just a numbing mechanism to him. She must have no idea that he is married and comes on to me with loving words and attempts at sex every time I see him. Pathetic. Screwing married men you don't know is a lifestyle choice, and I am glad my morals and character allow for only commited intimacy.

From Substance Abuse to Mental & Physical Abuse