Can anyone read this? I have tried to post multiple things and they wont work. I desperately want to talk. Everything sucks. I am so anxious and hate myself :(
I can see this. What's up?
I hate when everything sucks! I'm sorry
Luckily Thursday and today things have turned around somewhat :) I am in the process of going back on cymbalta and I'm in one of those dreaded in between periods. Luckily I live in the middle of nowhere right now, because i just want to go apesh*t. Partying, sexual escapades, risky behavior, etc. stereotypical borderline :/ a friend asked me to go shopping today. I want to but I think it is not a safe idea. I will get stuck in the manic high of buying new things. I'm sick of people expecting me to be this perfectly balanced, sweet as sugar, peppy person. I have come to terms with my illnesses. My therapist helped me to pledge to stop changing myself to make others more comfortable. To stop pretending I'm okay when I'm not. It's so hard though when I just want to be accepted ...