CAN some one help

well i have been suffering from anxiety for a long time now and didnt know it was actually anxiety until a few days ago i always thought the worse always thought something was wrong with me. i am scared of dieng loosing control and i wanna feel better i dont wanna feel this way i want to be normal. i want to be happy i want to make my self my husband and son happy but how i need help, and i dont know were to get the help. i know that inorder for me to be the person i want to be i have to deal with this i hate all the symptoms fallowed by anxiety such as vomiting and dizzyness and that **** though of something bad is going to happen when everything is more then okay, please if any one has tips on how to make this better please let me know and i wanna know if there are other people out there who feel the same way i do , i always though i was alone and crazy and that if i spoke out people would laough or think im weierd i dont care what people think any more i just want to deal with this so i can be the person i want to be

try meditation, start for just a few minutes and when your thouths start going into another direction, focas back to meditation, after time you will be able to focas and feel better.

Thank u so much … I know I have to focus on something else but when I do it feels like the throught try to rush bak into my head

Thank u


The good news is you know. How did you finally figure it out?

im in the same boat u are i just learned a few days ago i had anxiety never knew what to call it ^^

Mayra, hi i know what you mean i have anxiety and panic attacks i used to have atleast 8 a day! i started taking medicine for it and it does help but its still there the sad part is im a kid only 12, I've been in a lot of tramatic occasions in my life. i understand how you feel and your not alone and neither am i, I used to think i was all alone but now i realize that I'm Not. Your NOT a freak it runs in familys and stess makes more fuel in your fire of anxiety but it is ok

I understand. For me the biggest help was identifying a pattern of my anxiety. I have come to find that my anxiety is fueled by my period. I do my best to eat right, try to exercise, stay on a schedule, limit my caffeine. Being on here and reaching out to people who under stand will help. Anxiety feels like prison, it's lonely and scary. I am a wife and a mother of 2 little girls. I want to be a part of my life not watch my life happen around me. Currently I am having a relapse of intense anxiety. Perhaps sparked by a recent move, the holidays, continued greif over the loss of my dad, leaving my mom when I moved, stress. I am hoping that reaching out to others I may be able to help myself. :) We can find peace :)