interesting concept is research, is it possible to be fit and fat:
"The fit but fat concept posits that you can compensate or attenuate the cardiovascular, metabolic, and mortality risk associated with obesity by improving your cardiovascular fitness. Though there’s no general consensus about the fit but fat concept among scientists and physicians, it’s an area that has stirred debate and ongoing research.
We’ve all been hearing constant chatter from news sources about the rising obesity epidemic. To clarify, there’s no question that those who are obese do benefit their health from improving their cardiovascular fitness in terms of reducing these risk factors, but can you actually be fit AND fat?
First off, I would like to point out the obvious fact that we as human beings come in all different shapes and sizes. And let’s be honest here, we’re all sensitive about our weight. I can look in the mirror and think that I’d like to lose a few pounds, but that’s vastly different from someone telling me that I need to. Say what?"
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