can't live with my daughter anymore because she is too explosive and my anxiety skyrockets. I know I have not been a good mom but she has been so angry at me for what her brother did. I was he only one she could take it out on and talking to her about did not help. I think she has ptsd and I'm pretty sure I have it. Thinking about going on remomen. I can't sleep and now I'm so upset about by daughter. We use to be so close but the other night she told me everything was my fault including how her brother is and how everyone does not like me. She also told me that she wished I was dead. I know I have not cooked a lot but to tell the truth I might be scared of her. since she triggers my anxiety. Therapy is very expensive but I'm going to look into it for her and me We were both in harpy for 2 years and she just blamed me for everything and would not go to sessions with me Maybe a break is good.comment
My mother and sister never got along when they were around each other very much. My sister was sexually abused by my mother's brother, and my mother did not know about it until she was 30. Whenever she would apologize to my sister, she'd always say, I'm sorry, but I didn't know it was happening." I tried to tell her over the years to just stop after I'm sorry and leave the but out, but she never could seem to be able to just say she was sorry it happened, no buts. They barely see each other now and have several times not talked to each other for a couple of years. They live next door to each other. You maybe should go on to therapy by yourself and work on you, then see if she will go with you later on. Best of luck. My thoughts are with you.
@mikiwiki Thanks I think we will always have a relationship. It’s just been tough.
@kaamini Thanks so much
How old is your daughter?