Christians and OCD

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my story in a very very short version in hope of some advice or support.. Starting when I was about 8 I had the fear of going to hell, then it became an obsession, and I was always scared.. Some years later I rennet reading something in the bible about Jesus being at gods right hand or something like that, therefore I thought that right represents good or god and left represents bad or Satan. So for years I would always try to blink or crack my right hands and I still do. Basically I Just wanted to see if anyone else has had or does have any problems like this with religion. Thanks for everyone reading and for everyone else that struggles, you are not alone. Also if you have any advice, please help!! Ive been prayin apt that gos will not hold me accountable for this sense i can barely control it and also that he understands this and helps me get rid of it. Also that he would give me strenght and wisdom to finally talk to my parents about it abd that i could explain it
To them sense i have no clue how
To.. :) Thanks everyone. -christian

Hi Christian, thank you for being here with us and for sharing. Although I do not have direct experience with what you're going through, I am here to help you in any way that I can. I know that you can share this with your parents and gain the support that you need. You are in my thoughts and prayers.