Christmas Wishes

Hi all!

Ive been away for a pretty long time so im guessing there are alot of new people here.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and finding the hope and stregnth needed to deal with ED. The holidays can be difficult, i know, so Hang in there and remember you are not alone!

As for me well I am doing really well on the recovered front :)

There has been ALOT going on in my life. With receovery i have found myself facing new things in life, new chalenges and alot more hope. Some things are the same and yet they are differant, if that makes any sense.... :) I suprise myself with the way i now react to certain things and situations in comparison to how i used too. I still keep steady meal schedules, although have alot more flexibility and i dont panic if it doesnt all go as planed on one day, I can spoil myself one day, or allow myself to differ from it and i am ok with that. I dont think that will ever change and why should it....Its all still in the back of my head, but i guess it should be, i mean you cannot erase the past otherwise you may find yourself back there again....So i think its healthy to keep it there in the back of my head, So long as i dont obsess over it. Its to remind me, to keep me from going back.

I really just wanted to come in and wish everyone Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and a wonderful New Year!

And To all those struggling, It CAN be done! It is never hopeless and The darkness doesnt last forever even though it may seem that way at times.

Sending All my Love

Hi Andrea! Happy Holidays! I hope that you had a beautiful Christmas. Congratulations on your recovery, that is so amazing. It's so great that you have changed your actions and reactions, as well as flexibility. You should be so proud of yourself. Keep up the great work!

So good to see you posting! I am so happy to know that you are LIVING your life in a much better way these days!
I hope this coming year brings you even more joys and increased freedom from the ED!!
Take care...Jan ♥


THANKS so much for posting this..this post really hit home with me
you are exactly right that" you cannot erase the past because you might find yourself back there again" I always have this fear that now that Ive had treatment ...that thinking of the past made me worry that maybe i would end up there again somehow or afraid I would fall back to old habits. But you helped me see that its only there to remind me to keep me from going back.

So happy to hear how life is going for you and that hopelessness and darkness doesn't last forever. I am not where I want to be yet but I can see how far I have come now looking back to a year ago and I have come farther than I ever imagined I could have and I owe it to this site and the supportive friends in my life.

Happy New Year!!

Anonymousgirl, you have such a beautiful outlook and I am so glad that you were able to look back at your past year and see how far you have come. That's an amazing thing to do. Keep up your wonderfully positive attitude and outlook...2011 will be your best year yet!

Happy New year!

Thanks for the wonderfull replies. Sorry its taken me so long to get back to this. These days have been pretty hectic. Hectic but Joyful nevertheless and thats what matters :)

Sending love and the best wishes for 2011!


Brilliant.... well done Andrea, it's always great to hear something so positive.

Happy New Year


So happy to hear from Andrea, Happy New Year! How are you doing now and how are you feeling? I hope all is fantastic.