Class Action Lawsuits

looks like there is a new class action lawsuit against ZOLOFT

fyi anyone using go check this out

i found out about "paxil" the hard way, i was given it before all the warnings, there have been at least 3 class actions against it YET IT IS STILL ON THE MARKET AND STILL BEING GIVEN LIKE CANDY, THIS I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

any case, we need to be careful w/ these anti depressants there are so very many, try to choose one w/o all t he damaging side affects and withdrawal symptoms! Please research them before taking them!

thanks for the heads up peg, i have yet to come across any med that does'nt have a long list of side effects.

always a good reminder for all us med users to check out the information that comes with the medication.

also good idea to get all meds in one place if possible as the pharmacy can cross reference for any drug interactions

wow pegasus, i took them both and had side effects from the zoloft, and the paxil finally gave up on me. but now i am on a heavy duty one and i would rather suffer anything than the effects of my debilitating depression/ bipolar thats the awful truth. i cannot get out of bed when i am depressed. it is awful and so i take the risk. i understand that there are terrible risks.but i bless all my meds and ask the holy Father to make them safe for me and for them to do their job and not to harm me. then i feel safe.

all my best with faith in the meds i do take and the doctors who prescribe them and hope that those who are damaged will be compensated, and loving kindness for you and all. a prayerful friend

I hear you Wiffy , yes we have to research for ourselves to combine what we know with what our doctors tell us for our ultimate well being.

Stanisz, I understand! that is why I took the paxil at the time it beat the alternative for me. My depression was also very severe and totally deabilitating, it is downright life threatening.

I'm glad you have one that works well for you. It is a blessing to find the medicine that allows us to function normally when we are impaired.

I am down to 5 mgs per day of the paxil, i've attempted numerous times to get off and always leave w/ the side affects that has made me keep low doses in, it quit working for depression a long time ago.
I just wish they would have been h onest and told the doctors and patients what would be involved when they came out with it.
These companies calculated the profits after they count on getting sued and go forward.

Any case, at least there are warnings on the darn thing now
I was concerned for the Paxil Withdrawal Syndrome, you get electric shocks running thru your body and then i read it may be permanent.

This time I am down to 5 mgs every other day and no ill effects so far so good
real test will be when i go to zero. So I'll take them prayers!!

some prayers is what I always do too Stanisz (better than a placebo is a well placed prayer or two )

: )

Hello all,

Im not on an anti-depressant but, my two friends were. They both killed themselves and we will never know why. I dont know if this medicine you are talking about can cause suicidality. I dont know if it was the medicine or just their feelings of hopelessness.

I dont know if this is the right place to write this or not. But, there is a class action lawsuit over Zyprexa. Its a medicine for schziophrenia. I was on this Zyprexa for 4 months and had terrible side effects. I was in residential and was a kid. The doc gave me no choice. I had terrible side effects. And I have had other experiences with meds and their side effects too. So, I agree, look online, or ask the pharmacist the side effects, the interactions and whatever may cause you problems.

I wish you all the best.

dear pegasus, you absolutely have my prayers, that is about the only thing i can do at this point in my life. and i do pray for you. i understand about the withdrawal and at times i have been without meds and it was awful! i just hope i never have to do without. also, there is always the chance that the meds can stop working like the paxil did on me. so meds are a necessary evil if you ask me and having a mental illness is the pits. but with loving acceptance and prayer and all the supportive things i do to also help myself i survive as you sound like you do as well.

with hope for the future and faith in our wellness, your prayer friend

If you all have not heard of or read before Robert Whitaker's "Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America", I can't recommend it enough. I learned about him through an interview on C-SPAN. He wrote for the Boston Globe about the Pharma co's and was a firm believer in how great they were until he opened his own co to investigate the effectiveness of the drugs to help promote (he was in favor). what he found out is the result of the book. he is no longer a firm supporter of drug co's. his book is well researched, touches on many topics that effect the mental health community, and he presents his concepts with sound logic and scientific peer reviewed evidence. for me it was astonishing. please consider reading it.
warm wishes

thanks Sasha for that info
YES some of these anti depressants give the depressed person enough motivation to kill themselves. there have been a lot of that, thus the warnings.
I found out the pharm co's KNEW THIS and put it out there anyway WITHOUT WARNING the doctors. so my dr. did not know the diff.
the first time I did I attempted suicide also, and found out 4 years later why.
for 4 years I blamed myself and so did my family for what I tried to do.
I knew I was not right. I found out 4 years later why.

I think it is good that we share what we have learned on these things to let others know about it.

stanisz, God bless and thank you for your prayers I appreciate that and believe in power of prayer

sunshine, that is a great referral there for anyone to LEARN more,
i think i have heard of that because I remember how the guy endorsed it and then upon more research backed out...

Yeah after my friends committed suicide, I read online that anti-depressants can cause a higher suicide rate in teens. My friends were 12 and 15 when they died. The 15 year old one, Ashlie, after she passed, the staff at the facility found a bag of all her pills that she had cheeked. She had FAS, schizophrenia, aspergers and depression. Ashlie was supposedly on cheeking precautions because of a pervious suicide attempt. There was a new nurse working that night and she didnt read the cart of Ashlie. That nurse, gladly, was fired. Ashlie didnt OD, she died from strangulation. I wont say anymore because 1. I dont want to trigger anyone and 2. I feel like crying when I even talk about it. (I can barely even say her name without tearing up). Both of the girls were on Welbrutrin. After the suicide at the facility, the doc wanted to put me on Welbutrin. My mom stepped in and said "NO". She researched and gave the doc 10 reasons why she wouldnt allow me to be put on anti-depressants. One of the reasons was that I just lost a friend who was on Welbutrin and look at what she did. My mom said "since Ashlie died, Natasha(thats my name...I just use Sasha online) has attempted suicide numerous of times. If you put her on this medicine or any medicine like it, you will have another suicide on your hands. Then, my mom went to the Department of Mental Health and they moved me to another facility.

I wish you all the best and if these meds help you, Im glad. And when any of you are sad, just think of the people who love and care about you. That always helps me feel better.


Sasha, Natasha,
so sorry you had to go thru that pain.
You've got a good Mom there!
I am so sorry for your loss(es) ...

i get so angry at the pharm co's i tell you!!!

i am thankful to be getting off this stuff soon.
I have my feelings back for a long time as it just does not work,
it's just getting past this w/drawal symptoms now.
so I'm almost out of the woods from the paxil nightmare.

i am glad that your mom said NO and put a stop to that.

God bless you dear,
stay strong!

I have had bad side effects from several medicines, but they have for the most part been listed in the warnings. I have the additional problem that silicone dioxide, a common inactive ingredient gets me wired. When I took Ambien it would first get me wired for an hour or two.

good to research anything we are given, i have learned the hard way when I did not and trusted the dr.'s too much

they simply cannot know how it affects us we must know this ourselves

sometimes the "cure" or drugs are worse than the original ailment...

which i call "cost prohibitive"

have to dial in what works for us, and not neglect the need to address our issues too
they are big on just giving out the meds and then you are still not addressing the issues that are causing the depression

also what bugs me is that our emotions are clues for us, and depression may be an indication of changes we need to make in our lives to be fulfilled and happy
instead sometimes it seems that people take the anti depressants to be happy doing something that maybe they are not happy at?
in the first place
maybe the depression is a clue that something needs to change in what we are doing in our lives, and if we take the meds we may not make those changes.

hell i don't want to be happy living someone else's life
if i am not happy maybe i need to find changes to make that i am happy

so there is all the in betweens here as well
as meds are miracles when used proper

no getting around knowing this for ourselves and taking measures to help ourselves by...

Being off one of my meds for a week I saw how much it is helping me and making it so I can think and work through things more.

whatever works tools! that is the nature of the game here

Pegasus, you make a strong point:

we cannot expect to take a medicine and thing it will make us "better" in and of itself. we must make changes most likely in our thinking, our life patterns and our sleeping patterns, perhaps eating, walking, and emotional life, and spiritual life, and even relationships may have to be addressed.

it is rare that all is in place and a medicine is all that is needed. so beware of simply taking a drug and expectint to make it better. the medicine is one part of a large whole approach to wellness.

thank you for addressing this issue Pegasus, a very important reminder for us all to keep on addressing all areas of our lives for continued wellness and recovery!

all my best to everyone, with hope and faith in us all for our recovery issues and in the Father who heals us all, your prayerful friend, maria

Yes Stanisz Exactly very well put
and when we do all we need to do we may one day not need any meds afterall..

Thanks Pegasus,

Im grieving but, am also able to live my life. Yes, my mom is very strong and very good at putting her foot down on things that involve her kids(I have an older brother too who has a disability).

I wish you well with the withdrawals. Those cant be fun. Ive never been on antidepressants like I said before, but, Ive been in physical pain over my back and stomach and have been on pain pills(vicodin and percoset). I tell you that withdrawals arent fun one bit.

Im also fed up with the pharmaceutical companies. They dont warn people about most of the side effects because they want the money and the business from the patient and from the medical insurance company. The people who make these drugs dont really care if the person whose taking their meds wind up dead or not. Thats the real shame about this countries pharmaceutical companies.

Wish you well,


yes dear it is a huge money maker so that means we cannot trust people who simply want to make huge profits and sell us stuff
i have heard that they actually calculate all the costs of all the lawsuits
and then go forward cuz that's just how much profit there is
yes pisses me off too.
Those **** commercials drive me batty!
Glad I don't have TV any longer, !
lol, that and then the viagra behind it.
the **** side effects of some of these drugs is like a mile **** long! and ar exceeds the ailment. sorry to go on about this but i agree they piss me off.
meanwhile there are thousands of them that don't have these nasty affects but of course there is no money in the safe old ones, they have to push the new ones, give it a year or two and out come the lawsuits...
well if the world is so crazy and we are the ones who are "crazy
" what does that tell you??? hell if that's normal i don't want to be.
I am glad you have this figured out !!
Good mom!!
Thanks for your well wishes Miss Sasha!!
I am doing the 2.5 mgs every other day now after 15 years of that crap!
course it quit working years ago, but still just pisses me off
i started as soon as i found out buying the generic just out of principle to refuse to give smithkline beechem any of my **** money.
sorry, this is a hot topic for me.

thx for letting me vent and for tolerating my little butt on this ..

My husband does not like me being on meds because he is worried about side effects, but I will stay on them because they make an amazing difference to me. I will never know how close to 'normal' I will ever feel because I have always been without a corpus calosum.

wow Tools Hey so long as you are taking the meds that help you that is the purpose of them.
Wow, I had to go look that one up! Now that I did , I am so sorry !!!
Do not worry Tools, "normal" is quite over rated and not even sure there really IS a normal, but I hear you...
Well God sure did make you special then hun? I am glad you have meds that help you Tools..