As college students return to college, some are cracking open lip balm-size jars and plastic bags of a legal herb product that mimics the effects of marijuana.
K2, or Spice, is a lab-made leafy green drug that looks and smells like oregano, with hints of blueberry, citrus and other flavors. The designer drug is showing up at tobacco and head shops, misleadingly labeled as "incense." The labels also inform buyers that the contents are not fit for human consumption, but behind closed doors the "incense" is being puffed as a legal alternative to marijuana.
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Parents aware of teen drug use should know the facts of smoking K2. Sold as incense, herbs and spices treated with synthetic chemicals produce a high like marijuana.
Any parent who is raising a teenager in this day and age knows how tough it is for a young person to fit in with the crowd. Even the best students give in to peer-pressure now and then, seeing little or no harm in doing something that's perfectly legal. Unfortunately, a legal – and potentially harmful – substance is attracting kids in droves. Incense isn't regulated, so anyone, including children, can buy it.
K2, otherwise known as "fake pot," is produced in China and Korea. It's sold online, and can be found in smoke shops and stores where incense is sold. How popular is K2? Merchants who sell the pricey bags of fragrant herbs can't keep the stuff on the shelves.
What Is K2 and How are Teenagers Using It?
K2 is incense – a blend of herbs and spices sprayed with a synthetic compound similar to THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) found in marijuana. The combination looks like crushed potpourri. Blends are traditionally burned in incense pots; however, teens roll the K2 incense in wrappers to make joints, or they smoke it in pipes. When smoked, K2 delivers a high similar to that of marijuana. Users claim it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the two.
Sold under names like Supernova, Spice, Genie, Zohai, and Spirit, the incense is even sold by the gram, just like marijuana. Blends of K2 include Blonde, Citron, Summit, and Standard, just to name a few kinds.
Is There Any Harm in Smoking K2? Read More: