College with Bipolar Disorder

Hi, I'm new here. I have been having a hard time doing anything in school. I get very stressed out in college and go into depression often. I lose concentration or motivation at some point and it's seems hard to recover. I do go to counseling session and my psychiatrist has me on Lamictal which has helped immensely (I'm so glad that the school's psychiatrist specialize in bipolar disorder). But I still have a hard time handling the stress of college. I wondering if anyone else has this problem or experience this at some point in their lives and how do you handle it?

Hi Venusbabi, welcome to Support Groups, thank you so much for being here with us and for sharing. I have gone through major waves of overwhelming stress throughout my life; from college to business school to career. Though, the only thing that's ever helped me was great advice that a close friend of mine gave me when I would become so anxiety ridden from the stress of it all. He told me to stop, take a big step back, and to prioritize. When I would set daily goals and priorities, then this would help alleviate a lot of the stress. It's only when I would think of everything on the whole that I would start to have total panic. So, that's what works for me, I hope this helps a bit.

Please know that I am here to help you in any way that I can.

Hi venusbabi, I am going through the exact same thing right now if you see some of my posts. I too have bipolar disorder and am a senior in college right now set to graduate in May. It is really hard to deal with bipolar disorder, let alone have to add college courses to the mix. Just take your time and when things seem too overwhelming, take a look and see what you can adjust in your life at the moment.

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder