Coming to realization

The title says it all, but explaining everything what happened is difficult. One of my coursemates told me that he (let’s call him “A”) and his friends were saying horrible things about me, he called me a sick person and mocked me, said that I thought of him as my “boyfriend”. After that, I went in a huge state of shock and devastation, having to quickly jump into my phone and message him with an apology. He reassured me through stating that I was not at fault, but I have yet to believe. Even though I have never done anything evil, I won’t torture myself with overthinking once again. Now I fully understand why he came into my life - the Universe has given me a chance to never sacrifice myself over people’s needs and that I need to learn how to live comfortably with uncertainty that will lead me to a right direction. I will no longer be a coward and will continue to improve myself as an individual overtime. With practising by developing my dark femininity side of myself, I will be better. Thank you all for understanding my pain and I will let you guys know how it goes. Take care and have a wonderful day/evening.


2 Hearts

So your coursemate told you HE and his friends were saying horrible things about you??? So you friended him, and he and his friends just all go and make fun of you??? In what universe is this acceptable??? Sorry for all the question marks, but this truly makes me sad. I very much enjoy talking to you. Not only that, but you’ve stood up for me on more than one occasion. And for me, that means a LOT. Please don’t let these malicious people get you too far down. And as far as being bitter, I’m probably as bitter as they come. But even with all my negative experiences, I still try to find good in some people. And you’re one of those who gave me the benefit of the doubt - something many do not do. So thank you sincerely for just being you! You DESERVE better treatment than this.

You’re not a “sick person.” I think many times those of us who are more sincere, more empathetic, and more honest get used and mocked because we don’t play their games. So please take this with as much literalness as you can (I’m not mincing words), you’re a great person and worthy of being treated as such! I hope your day goes well. And of you need to rant or whatever, I’ll be here.

2 Hearts

Almost everyone else has their own issues to deal with and so when something is directed at you by someone, its really the other person projecting what they have a problem with, rather than anything to do with you. This is one of the many things that nobody is taught in school and only experiences we have and then seeking out answers can provide a person with this knowledge.

Uncertainty/impermanence is the only constant in the universe. Nothing ever stops in the universe, nothing at all. Thus, every second of your life is a 100% unique moment, one that has never ever occurred before and will never occur again in the future, in the exact same way. This is the same for everyone.

But not many people, myself included, can experience each moment like we should and live in the moment, as the present moment is all we ever have. Animals live like this, as does all plant life. Our minds are like time machines going to the past and the future thousands of times every day, back and forth, back and forth. If we can stop this unhelpful habit, then we can live in the moment. Our minds are the problem, really, unless we can master it instead of it mastering us.

There is no improvement to be made, as you were fine the way you were when you were born. Same for everybody else. Nothing needs correcting or fixing, because this implies defects or insufficiency. But what can be done though is to move from a state of suffering (which 99% or more of the world’s population is constantly in) to a state of peace and happiness, 24/7/365. This is entirely possible.

Referring to “dark” is just confining yourself to what you think that is. Best to avoid labels, categories, names, definitions and anything that limits what you think you can and can’t do, for they all lead to suffering or the worsening of existing suffering.

2 Hearts

To avoid any confusion, my coursemate (call her “V”, just for privacy reasons) didn’t say any of that stuff, but mentioned “A” in the conversation and explained how much awful things “A” had said about me behind my back. And we were never friends. I thought we would be, but turns out it wasn’t true at all. If there’s one thing I could say anything about him, is that he’s dead to me, and before I’m done talking negatively about him, I can only thank him for not getting all that way too comfortable with me now that we no longer talk to each other - it served me luck that I never had to have another “fake” friend, so that definitely saved my ass. I’ve been nice to him throughout the entire seasons, but I don’t think he was capable of showing his gratitude, so I’m not wasting anymore time worrying about him. I have other stuff that needed to be taken care of.

I appreciate for the support, Jon. It’s good that there are still people that at least maintain some empathy and compassion. :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:

1 Heart

Ah, I understand. Thank you for clearing that up. Still, it’s never a good thing when you find out people are talking behind your back. I’m glad you do not dignify his presence now. Sometimes moving on is literally that: forgetting (or the most part) and just moving forward. Those people’s losses, not yours.

1 Heart

I can acknowledge that the vast majority of population is going through endless crises and some are unable to put an end to them - probably they can’t handle all of the emotional baggage and stress vortex that have been storming in their heads for a while. If anyone had a superpower that were able to put people out of their constant misery, only for them to have more positive outlook on life - it would definitely be a blessing. But it’s only up to us to stop ourselves from feeling any wild discomforts and anxiety spikes. I know it sounds crazy, but I want to begin my own spiritual journey, meaning that I need to figure out what my purpose is and what my life has in store for me. Maybe it can give some clear answers, who knows…

Let me elaborate more about “dark femininity” it’s not about becoming a villain, or the bad guy, it means practising setting boundaries if you find yourself to be being treated with disrespect or bullying, this also includes becoming more courageous and knowing your worth. I recommend reading more about dark femininity, so that you won’t get the wrong message.

1 Heart

Oh, for sure. Anyway, he needs to go and fuck himself one day - I can’t believe I wasted all my time and energy being kind to him, I will never tolerate that kind of behaviour anymore.

1 Heart

What we call crises do happen, but they are usually short lived (although usually intense) and they are different to the suffering that almost everyone experiences, on a continuous/ever present way. Almost everyone suffers (and has historically suffered) because of what are considered “everyday life” things. These things are all thoughts (non-functional ones), none of which exist in reality. They only exist in the mind, where they are created/harbored.

All of the following are imaginary/unreal things and they lead to or increase suffering;

Belief and believing, opinions, comparison, judgement, critiquing, ideas, concepts, goals, imagination, fantasy, expectations, assumptions, meaning, purpose, control & power, desire, arguing, frustration, anger, fear, worry, anxiety, winning, losing, value, worth, having/not having, the past, the future and others.

Importantly, the artificial human-only world that humans have created is entirely made up of the above, and other imaginary things.

All of these things are optional things, things which are not necessary for life but which are what almost everyone chooses to engage with, pretty much all the time. Its not really most people’s fault that they engage with these imaginary things, because almost everyone is raised more or less the same way, and they see how everyone else behaves/lives and so they all behave in the same/similar way during our lives.

The real world and the imagined world are two separate worlds, but our species has chosen to merge these worlds together and also, to give them both equal status, when they do not have equal status.

Its only when you realise what is going on in the mind that you can see how suffering happens. This realisation often comes about when a person’s suffering has become bad enough to become an impediment to life enjoyment (until that point, people won’t see it as a problem or enough of a problem). This may then propel a person to seek help and that search may lead them to the awareness of what causes suffering, which is how I came to this knowledge. It is possible for anyone to do the same, if they really want to end their suffering. I have found that there are people who prefer to carry on suffering rather than pursuing the ending of it. And only the sufferer can end their own suffering, although other people can help/provide resources.

A positive outlook on life is often spoken of as a better way/good way at looking at life and all that happens in life. But in reality, a positive outlook causes suffering, because to label something/some way as positive you have to define other ways/things as not positive. Much like being a good person means you judge other people not to be good and this way of thinking can be applied to many things. Thus, comparison leads to judgement and judgement leads to criticism and the labeling/categorizing/pigeon-holing people/groups of people in all kinds of ways, something we have seen throughout human history.

You will search, in vain, to find purpose because it does not exist, anywhere. Some people may think they have found their purpose when something “seems to fit” for them, but it’s just a mind trick that their mind is playing on them. There is nothing specific “in store for you”, or for anyone else. We are all born neutral, without limitations (except that of our biology) and yet we slowly begin to set definitions, labels, limitations on ourselves and we let others do the same.
This doesn’t mean that one day you can’t say “I would like to be a teacher” and then go off and pursue that. It just means you don’t have to only do that, and if teaching doesn’t work out, you can stop and do something else. If you eat a food for the first time and find that you don’t like it, do you keep eating it? No, nobody does. Thus, it is the same with all other choices - we can choose from an almost unlimited number of things and we can also change out choices, any time. In fact, almost everyone makes thousands of choices every day but most of them people are unaware of.

On the subject of dark femininity, I did not talk of it in any particular way (neither good nor bad, nor in any other way), but your response says that I spoke of it in a “bad way” . This is a term that I don’t really know what people mean when they use unclear terms and “dark femininity” is certainly an unclear term. I would think someone would get several different definitions from people if 10-20 people were asked for their definition of that term, but none of which would be right or wrong, because it is term based on opinion and not fact.

With you detailing your definition of dark femininity, it is clear what you mean. I would only comment that we have no actual worth or value and we don’t actually matter, at all. Ego/self-image is a destructive and corrosive mental entity that should not be encouraged for people to have as it is a major source of suffering, as is constantly feeding it and reinforcing it.

You and everybody else would not need courage if you did not have irrational fears and we are taught irrational fear from a very early age and it is repeatedly and constantly delivered to us by others throughout our lives. If we did not have irrational fear, others could sense it in us and perhaps conflict would probably not occur. Due to the nature of the mind and the immense unknowns in it, we cannot stop all conflict and violence. We are hundreds, perhaps thousands of years away from understanding the mind and only once we understand it and understand it fully, can any choices be made as to what we should do.