Confused, sad, physically sick

Confused, sad, physically sick

1 Heart

Hugs and welcome!

Hi, what'stherightchoice, and welcome... What is it that your confused, sad and physically sick about? Is it what you've 'been' through or 'still' going through... Because, I get those feelings about, what I went through and, now the 'aftermath' of what, I'm still going through... I was 'sexually abused' for approx 9 yrs and was made to have an abortion when I was 13 yrs old (abuse related) one of my abusers was, somebody who, I should have been able to 'Trust' explicitly, 'Him' my father and the others, 5 of 'His' friends... To me, the 'Ultimate Betrayal' was by 'Him' and, now, I don't 'Trust' anybody... I was placed in a 'Child Psychiatric Unit' when I was 7 and, was there for many years as, a day patient... For me, it would have been better if, I'd been there day and night but... That's when my nightmare began and, my 'Life' as I knew it, ended... The 'abuse' has totally screwed my 'Life' up. I am a stranger to myself ( If that makes sense ).... I think, from your words, this is what your referring too and, I'd like to say, I'm here for 'You' and, will 'support / help you' in any way I can... I prefer to talk on a one-to one basis through Private Messaging... If you would liketo PM me, you will have to support me too (look under FAQ's at bottom of page. It will, explain how you do this)... Just know, I'm here for you and, I 'Understand' your 'few words fully'... No pressure obviously but, if you want my help, I'm here for you and, you can 'Trust' me explicitly... Your In My Thoughts....Sent with Love, Trish x