Coping Phrases for Bingeing

I was given a bunch of 'coping' phrases for various different ED's....the following are for when you feel an overwhelming sense to binge...try saying them silently or out loud to yourself next time you get the urge...

-"The urge is strong now, but I know it will reduce in a little while, so I must ride it out" They call this one 'urge surfing'.

-"One reason that I want to keep unecessarily eating beyond the meal I just consumed is because my body signals are not in sync due to my ED and my stomach is not yet signaling to me that I am full"

-"I know that I get confused between emotions and urges to binge. The urge I feel right now is not a physical one because I have nourished my body today with regular non-dieting meals"

-"Eating this non-dieting meal is scary, but will prevent a binge later on"

Some are corny, but maybe someone out there will find perhaps one of them to be useful :)

Thank you! I think these are great...I'm so desperate to change I'll take corny

I love them. Corny is okay. That are good. Thank you:)

Thanks so much for these, I recently bought a white board for my room, so I can write things up when I need them I think I'll put some of these up.

The thing about me is when I feel that overwhelming urge to binge is that when I'm eating I'm already thinking of my next meal and I've recently discovered that my epilepsy is largely effected by diet too, so that is even more incentive to recover.

Thanks hun
Love ya
Moongal x

Good idea, I have a white board too as well.

Moongal that's an awesome idea with the white board :)

Ya Lilac it's really handy, if you want to have an inspirational note in the morning waiting for you or some self esteem helpers. Plan of Action for the Day.
Or even just for reminders.

Defo helps:)