Countering the side effects helplessly

Hi all,

My dad got B-cell lymphoma and had went for his 1st R-CHOP last Monday. Doctor had scheduled 6 course Chemo and kiv Radio. My dad used to be a very positive and humorous man. He has since changed, he is always feeling angry, very easily irritated and feeling fatigue. His temper is effecting us too and we feel terrible, seeing him suffers and yet we cannot do anything that please him. He is having insomnia every night and this added on to his bad temper.

Today is the 8th day after chemo and he is having numbness on his fingers and toes. He is also losing his sense of touch, having constipation and a very bloated stomach.

Does anyone experience these before? How can I make my dad feel better, I feel so helpless..

hello, just reading your article about your father I too have B cell mine is aggresive form this is my 5th round of chemo,you do have problems sleeping that seems to be one of my problems. Also my stomach does seem to bloat your body seems to change each time I leave chemo. I wish I could make your father feel better but it takes day to day and good mental health to keep focused on getting better and some days I don't always have those good thoughts but I do try. wish you luck keep in touch

I have large B cell NHL primary of the spine have had 5 RCHOP Treatments each one 3 weeks apart. I have not lost weight (which is a good thing) & have experienced pain with swelling in the upper stomach, constipation, stiffness of hands and finger, some other bone symptoms. The symptoms are increased right after chemo for about 7-10 days. Because of my labs being at the bottom 7 days after chemo I am started on antibiotics for some reason that is when my stomach starts feeling better, it could just be the time elapse from chemo. I am also taking Prilosec (purple pill) acid reducer one time a day, a bland diet and then started on sucrafate four times a day. which was my life saver otherwise I could not have eaten. Lots of water 64oz a day, taking metamucil daily, when the constipation is real bad take Miralax. I am going next week to see a Gastro Doctor to make sure there is not something else I can do & rule out an ulcer, problems from the cancer (even if my NHL is primary of the bone -spine, hip) or maybe something I am not aware of. I lost all my hair at 3 weeks. Have times of chemo brain where thinking is not as quick.
Things could be so much worse I am thankful I can still do for myself including driving 1 1/2 hrs each way to chemo.

I live alone but the Lord is my strength & comfort.

God Bless, I will pray for you.

Hi Teresa & Nurse 73,

Thank you so much for your reply. I hope you are feeling better. Nurse73 your advise is really helpful. My dad is starting to lose his hair yesterday (3 weeks after chemo), while eating lunch halfway yesterday the whole chunk came off, even his mustache when he pulled it slightly.

He will start his 2nd chemo in 4 days time.

I pray the Lord grant dad & u strength, covering and protection.

When my hair started coming out in chunks I decided to shave it all off & that prevented alot of picking up hair. I also lost the hair on the eyebrows & most of the eyelashes as more treatments were given. I don't know how old you dad is but, I am 68. I believe in the 38 yrs I have been a nurse what I have seen is- "if you don't use it you loose it" so I try to do as much as I can mentally & physically then rest when I need it. When I can't control the illness then I need to do what I can control-
The Blessing is God is in control of everythnig.

I would be happy to answer any questions you Dad might have if I can. Remember everyone is different but in some ways things are sometimes simular.

God bless you & I will pray for you

He is 55 yrs old and will be receiving the 2nd R-CHOP in 3days time. I massaged his fingers and toes and it helped with the numbness, he now sleeps better at night after the massage too. I think it helped somehow to clam him down also.

We found out that prune juice works really well for the constipation too.

Btw, did you have any flu jabs before the chemo?
Is it safe to have anti flu jabs in the process of chemo?

Sorry I did not answer sooner Ihave been going to Dr Appt's (which is over 3 hr round trip drive each time-not complaining it is always nice to get out & see the beauty God has made all around). My WBC count was very low so the Dr.put off my #6 RCHOP chemo for a week. Thank the Lord I am feeling pretty good and still doing well with physical activity. Your Dad is so much younger than I am & that is a benefit for him. I do not know about anti flu jabs for him, his Dr. would be the best one to know the best decision for him. It was not advised for me. I did go to the Gastro Dr. about my continued increase in stomach pain after each chemo TX-I will have abd ultrasound & when my WBC's come up & after the next chemo TX I'll have a scope of the stomach done just to take a look. The Dr did increase the Prilosec medication for the stomach to 20 mgs in the morning & 20 mg in the evening-has helped. Praise the Lord it could be so much worse, I am so thankful. Will continue to pray for your dad & you. I know it hard on the love ones when you want to help so much.

A good site for information on chemo is

I am still keeping you in my thoughts & prayer

I just recovered from "this" with my last chemo on April 6th. R-chops. I had a bloated stomach and noisy intestional tract the whole time during therapy. It goes away. I am curious about your father's anger. I had such an opposite experience. I submitted and surrendered fully to my experience and had less anger then I ever had in my life. In contrast, as I was developing the illness I was angry. My doctor perscribed lorazepam which really helped with my nauseau. I can't spell and my pc does not have spell check, sorry. There are a variety of nausea meds. and sometimes they perscibe based on cost. Ondansetron is very expensive but worked for me better the prochlorperzine they first gave me.

I am not sponsoring nor party to, but a cookbook really helped me out the most...."Cancer Fighting Cookbook". Seriously, once I started eatting from this cookbook I started to really respond well.

If your father is having numbness already, try talking to the doc and having them lower the element in the R-chops that causes neuropathy. I did. I ended up with neuropathy only in my fingertips. It is July and it just went away seriously last week. So it GOES AWAY.

On sleeping, the lorazepam put me to sleep. I also drank almond milk every night before bed. I think milk milk would also help. I did this to prevent weightloss (to little avail)

I am a lot younger then your father and I just believed and trusted. I followed the directions the doctors gave me.

I am recalling my first chemo at which was two days before Christmas. I ate nothing but mashed potatoes and felt awful.

Is your Dad in pain?

You are so good to help him at this time. Love him when he can not love himself. Good luck.

Hello all,

Sorry for the late reply.
My dad lost all his hair on the 3rd week, he now wearing a cap everyday. We thought he wouldn't lose his hair, but they just fall out suddenly. Yes, there are still numbness on his finger tips and toes he is also losing sense of touch. We gave him plume juice, that helped with the constipation but he's still feeling bloated each time after the chemo. He is feeling better nowadays, but still emotional keep talking abt death and stuff which was annoying. Trying to keep his spirit up and continue praying.

Oh yes, did you have any boaster jab next day after the chemo?

Thank you so much for the messages.

I lost my hair in 3 weeks. This is a good sign. It means he is responding to the chemo therapy. The worst thing in the world would be a "non-responder" I was a little freaked out, but the whole thing was freaky. I went and had my head shaved. I had long blonde hair and it came out by the handful.

You need to tell the Doctor about the numbness so they can adjust the dosage so it will be less. Plus remember the numbness goes away.

Have him drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water.
Everyone is different, I took Swiss Kriss a natural laxative for the constipation.

Also, he may need lots of sleep at this time. I did.

The bolster jab is Neulasta and to prevent neutropenia, a sickness that landed me in the hospital. You become susceptible to everything. I got pneumonia and was put in the ICU for 3 days with 2 more hospital nights. The bolster shot is a good thing but it makes your body ache for a few days. By the way you need to let your doctor know if your father gets a temperature over 100.5 because that is signs of neutropenia, but the "bloster" shot if it was Neulasta should keep down the probability. They did not start giving me Neulasta until after the hosptial stay. I wonder if you are aware that your Father needs to be very careful going in public, wash his hands all the time and try to keep contact with people limited. Have him wash his hands all the time.

It is too bad your Father has to worry about money at this time. It is not good for him. Try and get movies or books to read.

Also, suggest he keep a journal of how it feels, reactions, bodily functions during this chemo. The same thing will happen over and over for all of the 6 treatments. Basically the same pattern. This way he can know, "Oh it is day 3 I will feel worse but on day 10 I will feel much better" (after chemo) ... That was my basic pattern.

Keep loving him until he can love himself. You are great to be of service and be there for him.


Try and find him a hat he can like. I got one of those white alpaca hats. Well I had it from a trip there. Soft comfortable. Maybe a baseball cap for going out or a hat from a sailing store. Your head gets really really cold even in the summer. I went around my life with a beaming bald head though. I did not care. It looked kind of nice even. I am female and had long blonde beautiful hair.

Hello all,

How are you all doing? Hope you are feeling better.
May Lord grant you strength and peace :)

I hope your Dad will post a comment to me-I will be glad to answer any questions or just listen. As I said before I was DX with Large B cell lyphoma primary bone of the spine stage IV in March 2010. I was told maybe I would live until May 2010. I almost decided to do nothing because I know Jesus Christ as my Savior & do not fear death-however, I felt the Lord was not done with me yet. I started RCHOP chemo therapy with Zometa TX's to try and stimulate bone loss in my spine, Neulasta injections to try help with white blood cells. I am very thankful because with all the fractures in my spine I am not paralized and have mobility. With the chemo, neulasta & Zometa TX's I had alot of bone pain everywhere, jaw & ear pain, stomach pain, bloating, abdomen pain, nausea, constipation, fatigue, headaches, with of course lowering of white blood cells and other lab values. Just about 17 days after chemo I would start to feel better and it was time for another chemo Tx. I saw others who had a lot worse
side effects so I certainly could not complain and am very thankful. I have had 6 RCHOP TX's then my MRI"S showed a decrease in spine tumors & no new tumors. My Doctor stopped the chemo said he saw no difference in 6 TX's vs 8
TX's. I will have a PET scan just to check other areas. Hopefully I can go back to work next month-I can't lift and my spine is very fragile but what a Miracle -Only God
knows what time we have on earth. (As a note - my younger sister who was 50 yrs old no health problems died in her bathroom of brain aneurysm before I started TX-so we have no guarantees). I will post another comment which I pray will be of confort.

Hello Nurse 73,

I hope all is well, sorry I haven’t been able to reply so quickly.

How have you been coping?

Please continue to have faith. The book of Job said:

Job is “blameless, one who fears God and turns away from evil.” (Job 1:1) Satan challenges the truth of God’s judgment on Job. (Job 1:11) God accepts Satan’s challenge to create a world of undeserved and unremitted suffering in order to settle this question of righteousness and reward. (Job 1:12; 2:6 ) God chooses Job as his personal champion in this trial by ordeal and authorizes his destruction. (Job 1:13-19; 2:7-8)

In the course of one day, Job receives four messages, each bearing separate news that his livestock, servants, and ten children have all died due to marauding invaders or natural catastrophes. Job tears his clothes and shaves his head in mourning, but he still blesses God in his prayers. Satan appears in heaven again, and God grants him another chance to test Job. This time, Job is afflicted with horrible skin sores. His wife encourages him to curse God and to give up and die, but Job refuses, struggling to accept his circumstances.

In the end, After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before. 42: 11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the LORD had brought upon him, and each one gave him a piece of silver [a] and a gold ring.

12 The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. 13 And he also had seven sons and three daughters. 14 The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch. 15 Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.

16 After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. 17 And so he died, old and full of years.

Unshakeable Faith
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
— James 1:2

God is in control of all circumstances that surround the believer. The devil can do nothing in the life of the believer without the express permission of God. But why would God give that permission? Because Satan's attacks will show what you are made of.

A faith that cannot be shaken is a faith that has been shaken. And if your faith is real, it will even endure through the worst of circumstances, because character is not made in crisis; it is revealed. For example, when tragedy struck Job, we find him worshiping God, but we find his wife saying, "Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die" (Job 2:9). Trials, temptations, and crises separate the wheat from the chaff, the true from the false, and the real from the unreal.

Suffering helps us grow spiritually and makes us stronger in our faith. James reminds us, "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing" (James 1:3–4).

Suffering takes our faith from the realm of theory to reality, and suffering brings glory to God. Anyone can be happy when the sky is blue and the sun is shining. But when a storm is hitting, it is a different matter. Satan claimed that Job only worshiped God because God was blessing him. But Job proved that he really did love God, because he worshipped Him before, during, and after the crisis.

God allowed the tragedy in Job's life to strengthen his faith and to prove Satan wrong—and Job passed the test with flying colors. What a rebuke to the enemy. And what a powerful example for us today.

Your father's constipation

Dear Jacole:

My husband is 72 and he has Hodgkins disease 3B. When he had his first ABVD Chemo, he started the chills and high fever 3 hours after the Chemo. It was very scary. His WBC was low, the nurse gave him Anti-biotic as a precaution. Two weeks later, he had his second Chemo. Three hours after chemo completed, he had the same chills/fever reaction. It also lasted for about 6 hours. Doctor and his nurse confirmed that it was Bleomycin side effect.

Last week, he had his third Chemo. His doctor instructed him to take panadol at the same time when he the chemo started, and take another pill six hour later. The fever was controlled successfully. Chills/Fever was the most distinct reaction that my husband had.

When my husband returned home from his 1st chemo, he was constipated for 5 days, the stool softner given by his doctor did not help. He was very depressed and worry.

I gave my mother a toilet seat on her 80th birthday, she had constipation problem. This seat solved her problem. Out of desperation, I took my husband to my mother's apartment and used her toilet seat. He was in the bathroom for one minute, I asked him "are you alright?". He said "It works". That solved the problem and he got rid of all 5 days worth of "hard inventory".

After that, I served him one glass of prune juice, and a small bowl of oatmeal every morning. This is the old fashion remedy. He went thru 3 Chemo, he never had the constipation problem any more. You may ask your father to try the same. Chemo already injected so much different kind of "DRUGs" into our bodies, if we can take one less drug, then we won't.

My husband did have other reactions. We really don't know why he has low graded fever so often? It will last for a few days. He gets very tired, when he has the fever. When the fever symptom is gone, He feels good and he eats well.

On his last Chemo, he began to have rashes and he felt very itchy. We do not know if this is normal, and how do we control this? If anyone has the similiar experience please share it with us.

From all the information we have learned, the HD is a more treatable form of cancer. The successful rate of treatment is good. But the chemo is tuff, The most important focus is to watch his weight, his overall health, and guard him from getting infection.

One day before my husband receive his Chemo #2, blood test showed his WBC only 1390. The doctor postphoned his Chemo for 3 more days, and gave him one Filgrastim shot in the next three days. These shots boosted up his WBC to 6000 and he received his Chemo # 2.

After this experience, our doctor order 3 Filgratim shots at 6th, 8th, and 10th day from previous Chemo to assure that my husband's WBC can be sufficient enough for the next Chemo. We like our doctor, she is smart, calm,organized. She is a very skilled Physician.

Hope you find my experience helpful to you.

Hello Roc,

Hope all is well. Prune juice really works for my father, you said the toilet seat you bought for your mum, it must be a special kind to make it works so wonderfully.

My dad had rashes as well on the first chemo, doct said he is allergic to one of the drugs in R-CHOP, in the end they adjusted the drip to be slower and it's fine from then onwards. Different people have different ability to absorbing the chemicals differently. I think your husband might be allergic to one/few of the drugs - fever + rashes.

which is why we need to constantly update the doct so that he can adjust the dosage and timing accordingly.

God bless you and peace and strength be with you and your family members.