Cross your fingers for me

My doctor is the only person that I have talked to about my binge eating but tonight I'm planning to talk to my sister in law. I know that she loves me and will be very supportive but I am still so nervice. Wish me luck!

Hope it went well. Seeing other people reach out gives me strength to do it also. I have been binge eating for a few years now and have only just begun to see how it controls my life. It is a horrible thing to do but I cannot help myself. At times I am strong and fight the temptation and at other times i am so weak and binge, only to feel guilty and worse. Again, I hope it went well.
Bry xoxo

Best of luck Laine,
It's so good to hear you have someone you trust with this, it's amazing what a friend can do in situations like these just by being there.

Keep the fight up, you are worth it:)

Love and best wishes
Moongal x

Well...I am sad to report that last night I just couldn't get it out. I am going to be seeing her again today so I will try again. I just don't know how to even start that conversation?! I know that she loves me and will always be there for me no matter what, but there's still that little part of me that is terrified that after I tell her she will see me differently. I guess part of me is scared that if I tell my friends/family they will not take me seriously and the other part is scared that they will take it seriously but then will be judging me every time I eat anything. I never have and never will binge in front of someone else, but I am scared that once they know that I struggle with food, everytime they see me eat anything they will be thinking about my eating disorder.

Oh sweetie,
Tell the people you trust and you can tell them to look it up online if they wish for ways to support someone and what to expect. You'll tell people when you are ready so don't worry about it and don't feel about it either ok hun.

Love to you hun
Moongal x

i totally understand that, i was going to tell my partner last night actaually, when he found me a crying mess in the bedroom, but i jus
t told him i was homesick and stressed from uni etc etc. I was worried that he wouldn't understand, that he would just think i was making a big deal over nothing, and that if he actually did understand, that he would judge me wrongly and it would cause problems, i know he cares a lot about me and is always there for me, but there is a little part of me that is still worried how he would react, and it is that little part that is holding me back.

That is completely understandable, the only thing you can do is open up to those who you feel will support and not minimise this, because this is having a big impact on you. I'm sure your partner is not a bad person, and he may surprise you, just do what you feel comfortable with. And remember this is all about learning about you, because sweetie it's not about the food really, the food is the coping mechanism, but there is much more to it than that.

Love to you hun
Moongal x

thanks for that.
I have felt a lot better today. this is the first time i have gone 2 days without bingeing and over-exercising but i actually feel much better about myself! my mum knows i have been struggling to settle into my new place (as i just moved from a small town to brisbane to start uni and its been very overwhelming!) so she is coming to visit in 2 days which will be good. she has struggled with bingeing but never talked to me about it, so i think thats i discussion i definitely want to have with her.
Love Bry xoxo

Oh Bri,
Wow ye guys have been through a lot too with the flooding and everything going on. I lived in Oz for a year and it was the most awesome year of my life:)

That is so fantastic that your mum is coming to stay with you and that she understands what you are going through. It’s so important to be able to talk about these things and have someone who is genuinely listening to you.

Keep talking hun
Love to you
Moongal x

The book I am reading about BED suggests that there are suspicions that ED runs in families because even if we are unaware of a parent's ED we learn coping methods and eating habits from our parents. I am not sure if I believe it (that ED is hereditary), but my mom is morbidly obese and very self conscious so I wonder if my mom may have an ED too?

Hey Laine,
I couldn't comment on your mum. I know and am just realising that I picked up an awful lot of eating habits from my parents so much so that I didn't recognise portion sizes or anything like that. You just eat until your plate is clean, that was how it was done. Now through the book I am reading the only deal I've made with myself is I can eat whatever I want but I must stop when I'm full, simple as.

Have you every spoken to your mother about her health?

How are you feeling today sweetie.

Love to you
Moongal x

I do think family has a huge influence. I have aEuropean background and som my mum and dad (as well as both of my parters parents) come from families where they ate A LOT of food. i grew up eating a lot, but i always was very active so i was always fit and healthy. it was when i decided i needed to loose weight, and started bingeing also, that the problems started. my mum binge ate too so i think seeing her do that sort of gave me the idea that it was a normal thing to do, which i now know definitely isnt!

Unfortunately my Mom is very self conscious and very sensitive about all things health and weight related so talking to her would not be an option. We already have a pretty rocky relationship and I don't want to push anything with her.

As a child I came from a big family and we struggled financially. We didn't always know where our next meal was coming from so when there was food you were not picky, you ate whatever was put in front of you (no matter how bazaar it was) and you ate all you could. Also we had to get pretty creative about making our meals so I learned early on how to create something edible out of whatever we happened to have hiding in the back of our cupboards. I am assuming that this is where my binging and poor eating habits started.

I've had a bit of a difficult week. I've been home sick so that always leaves me very lonely and miserable and vulnerable to binge. I've tried to keep myself busy (knitting) but it has still been a rough week.

Hey Laine,
I'm sorry you've had such a tough week and that your mum is so vulnerable to it too, it must be so difficult. I have also been very bad over the past few days it can get so hard at times, I completely understand your pain.

Keep your head up hun, we'll get there somehow.

Love to you
Moongal x

Hey guys,
I feel really bad because i have been bingeing over the past few days, and have felt so guilty that i dont even want to come on here to talk about it! i just dont know what to do. i have treind eating more often, not skipping meals, doing normal amounts of moderated exercise and planning other tasks to straight after i eat so that i wont binge but i dont know what has happened!! i feel so bloated and blergh. :\ xoxo