I had to give the good new to you all. GOD is truly gave me a miracle. After 6 treatments (I WAS TOLD TO EXPECT A YEAR OF TREATMENTS BECAUSE TUMORS WERE SO LARGE.) for My Non-Hogkins Lymphona, Follicular, Stage 3 grade 2.
The results was cancer in the neck GONE, cancer in the chest GONE, two tumors,(2 & 3 inches, one on each side of the diaphragm GONE and the tumor near the liver almost 75% gone.
They have some concern about the left breast so will be doing another mammogram and a ultersound tomorrow (Wed. June 9th. I also will be doing a Pet Scan tomorrow.
My oncologist said if cancer still showing will have 2 more chemo treatments of Cytoxan, Vinchristine and Retuxan. Then will be on a maintance plan of the Retuxan, once a week for 4 weeks, every 6 months, for 2 years, to try to help the cancer to stay in remisson.
I do want to say that it is nice to get the break from the chemo treatments for the last 7 weeks. The side effects I was going thru (the last 2 for sure) are aready easing up.
I do have questions that I did not ask the Doctor because I was so surprised over the results of the
CT Scans.
1. After I take the 2 more chemo treatments, would they
run another set of CT Scan's and or another Pet scan
to check on the last tumor near the liver?
2. The maintance plan of the Retuxan, are these
treatments normally back to back for 4 weeks or
separated out during the 6 months?
3. If the Retuxan treatment is back to back, is it done
during the last month of each 6 months period or in
the middle of the 6 months time?
4. If some of these side effects that I was having during
treatment were from the Rituxan, I guess I would
still have them? DON'T you dare ask me where's your
If anyone knows of anything else that I should know
about my remission stage or I should keep in mind, I do appreciate your advice.
I do know that my cancer is not curable, that I will be in remisson only and that the cancer can be more aggressive when it returns. But my life is also in GOD'S hand and GOD is the great healer...
I am continuing prayer for us all and that there will be a cure soon for us all.. Sheila