Current actions, express the heart, and define a person. Not their past. My life is an open book, straight honesty of my heart, all put to virtual paper. The past can not affect the now, it is past, it is dead. It is easy to judge a life that has been exposed. Making assumptions, and hurting others, for what? Screaming hate and lies from within a cloak of false identity. Come out into the light, friend. See if your life holds up to the scrutiny of others judgments. Mine does, because truth is truth, always.
3 Hearts
TRUTH cannot be argue with becauze it just is!
2 Hearts
Don't think mine would hold up to well.
The ability to leave the past in the past is a skill Ibstill have to practice more. Each time I think I'm winning, the past comes up and bites my ***!
1 Heart
@Hopesndreams Don’t give up! I almost did too soon. There is life beyond the past.