Dad molested me last night

last night i was in the hot tub and my dad came into it with me. he was making me uncomfortable and kept sitting closer to me and finally he started touching me everywhere...

i feel so worthlesss, disgusting, humiliated. i can't even look at him :( i don't know what to do :(

little dove you didnt deserve this. tell your mom and go to a friends getting out of the house is a good idea. i posted on your other post..... im here for you we are all here for you. you are not alone. message me if you want to im worried about you i care about you.

Dahlia said it right, let your mom know and if she doesn
t do something about it let the law know, you deserve to be cared for but not that way !!! you have people on here who do care and as Dahlia said we are here for you if you need us

Get away as fast as u can and dont look back. Idk how old u r but im sure u r old enough to atleast take a bus or something to the police. He will never stop. Please dont stay

Don't stay get out of the house and contact the local polic or anyone youcan reach out to. If you cannot tell your mom go to a friends house and tell her mom! Make sure you report this please! You do not deserve this no one does!!! Please find the strength to report him. You cannot continue to live like this and you don't deserve it

It will only get worse if you don't speak out because he will know you won't say anything. If you can't tell your mom or feel like you can't go to the police go to your closest friend that you can tell them, send it in an email, chat or text if you can't say it face to face. Make sure SOMEBODY who is physically present in your life knows what's going on, because as much as people on here care about you, having someone to hold your hand or give you a shoulder to cry on will make a huge difference. Just PLEASE talk to somebody, I know it's hard, but you deserve to be treated with respect, and the best way to get it is by being honest with those that care about you.

She did deserve respect she was a lovely girl and someone I called a best friend, she was going through a lot and she reminded me of myself the things she was going through were horrible and me and her related to one another ...... I miss her a lot and right now I cry thinking about her but y'all are so kind to want to support her but she killed herself on 7-28 ......... I miss her a lot really do *crys*