For a long time I bought into the notion that "men don't like emotions don't show them cos they will run a mile"...boy could I have been more wrong.
Men like a girl who know and allow themselves to hear their own hearts, it makes them more comfortable to be in touch with and express their own feelings.
So next time you feel something around a man while dating don't hide it, tell them. Say I'm having a really good time tonight....or I like you...if that's what you're thinking say it.
Also if someone has been rude say that too something like "I am unsure as to what is going on here, is there something I should know?"
Being honest and open from the first date is a strong sign the girl is in tune and confident with herself and will make the man more comfortable with himself.
So lets give the old emotions from the start a giant "thumbs up".
Love to you
Moongal x
Wow Moongal, that's such a fantastic post and so very right on. I always put up the wall and a bit of the tough girl act, where I don't show a lot of emotions and act like nothing at all bothers me. Well, I think that this has had a negative effect in the past because men can't read me and simply think that I don't care. I recently had a scenario where I continually told the guy that "I have no expectations of where this goes". I didn't realize that could have been the detriment to anything in the future until a good friend of mine pointed it out. Lesson learned.
Thank you for this incredibly important reminder. Men are not mind readers and need us to show and tell them how we are feeling. I am really going to start practicing this.
Good for you hun, they aren't mind readers. And I believed for too long it was good to put up a front because then you don't look vulnerable. But it's ok to show you have a heart and you have wants and desires too in it..not just in what you've achieved in education or at work...keep showing your heart've a good'un.
Loads of love to you
Moongal x
Thanks so much Moongal! You're the best. I am going to start practicing practicing and practicing. I know that I'll get the hang of it. One of my close girlfriends says that she tells guys exactly what she's thinking and feeling and what she wants out of life; she says if they run then that's not the guy that she wants to be with. Another girlfriend of mine continually vented to me about her relationship for the first couple of months, I finally told her to go straight to the source. Ever since then she's only been going directly to him and telling him exactly what she thinks and feels. They've been together for almost two years and are now talking marriage. She said that communication and honesty was the key to their successful relationship.
Now if I can only practice what I preach ;-)