I'm a Friday night drinker. Only once a weeks but I drink excessively. Any suggestions on how to deal with the first one of many I hope.
hello. You need to find out what triggers you. Is it your friends or coworkers?
yes, concur, finding the cause is beneficial to the outcome.
if drinking is a symptom of something else, by treating the root cause you can rid the desire to drink.
also suggestion: Replacement therapy, where you replace the old bad undeserable habit with a new desirable habit
and they say it takes 21 to 30 days of doing something to make it a habit.
All of it starts with DESIRE
and with those two you are on to : DEDICATION
to work hard to rid your bad habit...
motivation to visualize where you want to be.
You can do anything you really want to if you put your mind to it!
please post and let us know how you are doing at this....
Also I would say it would be darn interesting to see what you do when you dont' drink
that may reflect back to you what drives that motivation to go drink.....
by not doing it you may be face to face w/ whatever the trigger is.
Heck, i'd be curious to see what happens when you don't
Well it use to be Friday and Saturday,with my husbands and friends. We cut down to only once a week but I'm not happy with that. I'm really depressed until the middle of the week and then Friday is here and it's all over again. I tried to get the support of my husband with not drinking but he is not ready to quit, he still enjoy it and doesn't feel quilty about it. I do and I'm ready to say no more drinking. I just need some support. Thank you, I will let you know what happen on Friday. I have been thinking about the causes for a long time. Again thank you sooo much
hi on this site I have learned a lot so far, so I guess they would call you a controlled drinker because you only drink on friday. Is that because you go out with friends or you drink at home because it's the end of a stressful week? My husband and I would drink only on weekends for years but with the years we then started drinking during the week and it became the "norm" for us that has been 20 years now that we both been drinking I was ready to quit he isn't what makes it hard on me but doable. For me it was my life what drove me to drink and I accept my responsibility in this but also after all those years drinking I am just now seeing all the stuff I have missed because I so focused on drinking, my best girlfriend her husband got sick 5 weeks ago he died of liver failure it took him a week of suffering to die that was the turning point in my life NO WAY was that going to happen to me. I knew my friends husband drank everyday and I have to say when you see something like that in person and you can't help the people you love and you have to watch them die it was a hard lesson to learn. you found this site and are looking for support that is great! those are the first steps. Maybe this friday you stop after just a few drinks or do something where there is no alcohol like going to a movie for me its the best keeping myself busy that works for me but everybody is different just start slow it takes a while to get used to a new way of life. stay strong we will be thinking of you. good luck and keep us posted would love to hear *** you doing this friday
Thank you Southernway! I have been a week-end drinker for over 20 years. I guess it is just an habit. It used to be fun, not anymore. I tried to only have a couple drinks but I could not stop, that is when I realized I had a problem and I wasn't in control. So for me, I have to believe that I'm not going to drink at all. I know I have to be strong and I think this support group is going to help me. I haven't tell my husband yet but I did ask him not to drink this week end. I know he is not ready to quit yet but hopefully he will soon. I plan on having a long talk with him this week end. We like hiking and fishing so that is what we are doing this week end, so far.
you sound good and like you have just made the decision that you no longer enjoy drinking as well as you are acknowledging that you cannot control the drinker so there is no point to try and start and have one or two , as we always say.
never happens.
I think it's great that you have the idea to change your life this way , who knows what you will be able to learn about yourself?
I think that makes it kind of fun in a way as you get to see a new side of yourself and learn how you tick better and who knows what you will find on the other side?
Wishing you the very best w/ your pursuit to eliminate the drinking. I think it's good too to set goals and posting on the days that are concerning you for some added support if necessary and / or accountability.
Sounds you are pretty prepared to carry out this decision though so I think you are off to a great start and you already are considering the ramifications socially when you dont drink.
You sound like you have a realistic, practical plan as well as you know some of what you will expect, that combined with the decision and your desire to change will all help you!!
Hey, I am rooting for you!
Hope you continue to post for good measure.
and to share.
and find support.
Good luck to you this will be your first weekend then coming up here!
Let us know how it all goes.
Thank you Pegasus, I'm feeling good about my decision. I Also think joining a support group makes me more accountable + the support is great so far, I didn't know what to expect. I decline few invitations to partys and week end away where I know the main attraction is drinking. I'm sure eventually I will be able to attend without wanting a drink or at least not drink. My plan for the week end has change, my husband went to dinner with his stepfather and got drunk, i'm really dissapointed, I don't want to talk to him so this week end is mine alone. My new plan is cleaning my Art studio and hopefully paint a little. I will let you know how it went. Thank you.
hi mj
listen myself and AK cannot pronounce are in teh prescripton drug area poisting a 30 day self help workshop and i thught i'd invite you to join us there if you like
for some added umph, even though we are doing drugs, and yours is alchol , you may still get something out of it.
just replace the words cocaine with alchol i am working to get the balance of my messages rewritten as to be more concise because i'd rather see you guys writing.
you are cordially invited to join us and participate, i am letting out one message per day for us to focus on ..
cleaning and art sounds good
it is a tough to be with someone that still imbibes when we go to quit , but know this, you CAN still do it and who knows maybe if he actually sees you he may follow suit later. the bottle gets very lonely doesn't it?
proud of you you are off to great start..
taking the bull by his horns.
Yes! Art! That is a great idea to keep yourself motivated and sober. Keep strong and enjoy your sober weekend.
We can do this. You can do this.
I have been cleaning all day waiting for my girls to return from out the country. I also feel more accountable. Being able to write is a great release is it not? Thank you and stay strong..... grrrrr
Well my first Friday was too easy. My husband didn't drink so i'm sure next week end, if he does it will be more of a challenge. Started to clean my art studio, I'm really happy right now, I know a lot of people feel depress after quitting so i'm a little scare of what is to come.I hve to go do errands, will let you know how tonight went. thank you all for your support.