Day 19
Replacement Therapy
what kinds of things do you enjoy doing?
If we have been doing drugs and cocaine , we may have lost touch w/ our other hobbies, I know I did, hobby? wth was that?
i had none.
Drugs had taken over my entire existence.
Now that I am not doing that, I have time to fill .
Choosing what to spend my time doing.
Epictetus said that it takes 30 days to make something a habit.
If you want to have a habit "DO IT"
if you want to break a habit 'DONT' DO IT"
Find things that you want to do and start doing them.
Balance, Moderation and having a daily routine come into play.
Finding and doing new healthy habits or finding h obbies will create for us some new good and healthy habits that will help us detox and w/ detox comes creating a new life for ourselves.
Replacement therapy: replacing bad habits w/ good ones.
What new good habits do you want to develop?
What are your hobbies? and if you do not have any as of now, then start thinking about what you enjoy doing.
This is another tool in our recovery tool belt.
For me, I started simple w/ walking, I enjoy walking w/ my dogs and spending time with them.
Dog training and walking are two of my hobbies that I have made habit.
I have my guitar that I have not played it got dusty, it is still on my list of hobbies , to practice each day is where I need to start. I have gone from the start stop mode a lot on that one.
Which sometimes creates a discouragement for me that i have not been able to practice some of my hobbies consistently, but I am still working on getting there where I do, and not discouraged enough to give up.
good things worth waiting and worth the effort.
no point in getting upset over that as that would defeat the entire **** purpose of doing my hobbies!
Comes w/ finding a balanced routine and moderation is in including some recreation .
Just have to change myself where I have had the bad habits and still working on those internal bad habits to gear myself back around
IN THE DOING consistently, that if I continue this in spite of my short comings and fallings I will eventually be able to master those aspects of self internal that stopped me before. and not stop me again.
Enjoy your hobbies!
and if you do not have any, then this is a good time to find them.
“Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide.”
-Marcus Tullius Cicero