Yesterday turned out to be a horrible day. I had several days off from work and decided to enjoy my day with an unknown quantify of beer. This resulted in my long time boyfriend callng my mother and she took me to the emergency room. (not my first trip). I was admitted overnight. And no one wanted to come and pick me up after my discharge. My mother finally did. I thought I would lose my boyfriend, but in the end he read me the riot act, took me grocery store for some healthy food, and took me home. I have quit a number of times before, but this time it just has to stick because I got a real look at how much lower I could go today. Oddly, I am at peace tonight. No withdrawal or anything like that. All I can say to everyone is don't give up trying to quit if you have struggled for many years as I have.
dear crash i am proud of the way you are responding to your realapse so positively. relapses can happen and alot of people have does not make you a bad person and at least your still trying. it is wonderful you arent beating yourself up cuz alot of people feel guilty because family or friends will make remarks that arent so nice and we know in our hearts we are going to make it. we pick ourselves back up after we fall. thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Thank you for your kind words--believe me I've heard very not nice remarks from especially my family. And yesterday, my boyfriiend. But in the end, he is supportive and doesn't drink anymore himself, so this is a good environment for me. My famiy can tend to go on and on about things, even though you are trying really hard to make changes. So I'm going to let things cool down with them and continue thinking positive and on making the absolutely necessary positive changes.
And I've started a journal for anyone who wants to follow my journey.
Lot's of luck to you Crash. This is not easy. I'm trying myself. I've been reading some of your posts and I know that you can get better. Take it day by day. And if you slip, just resolve to do better next time. We are all pulling for you.