Dazed and confused

I was just diagnosed the other day with HSV1&HSV2, i'm still in denial, on top of that I've had HPV for the past 10+yrs, and now that has came back wtih avengance. I've had an on again off again guy for about 5yrs now, and another boyfriend for about 10yrs. I'm at a loss for words on this one, I've had those two steady guys for a long time now. I've had some very drunk nights, and have been taken advantage of by a few guys, and I just don't know where i've contracted this. I don't know how to react, HPV was something I've accepted, and lived with. It hasn't been active in my body for many years. Both men knew of the HPV, but don't know how to tell them about this. I feel like my life is over, I don't know how to handle it. I've done alot of research, and found I just have to live with it. I'm just venting and rambling, I can't tell anyone about this, I feel so nasty and ashamed. I knew how to prevent STD's, but yet didn't do what I should had, I can't blame anyone but myself. You never think that it's going to happen to you, I'm just glad it wasn't an HIV diagnosis, I'm not going to lie, I'm very sexual and enjoy sex, but see now that I will be giving it up, in fear of catching something else, since my immune system is much weaker with fighting two viruses. If you have any positive feedback, i'm open to it


You should have heart to heart talk with a good and nice doctor, who will understand your concern and will be compassionate as to answer all your questions regarding your life and sexual activities, what is possible and what you have to do to prevent further complications. There is medicine and there are preventive measures, therefore it is good to know everything. Please, do not feel ashamed, this is life and unfortunately these things do happen. Never give up and take care of yourself as soon as you can. Life will be easier and happier. God bless you.

We aren't any worse than anyone else. You will be able to accept this too in time and live with it. It has definitely cut down my sexual partners tho. Also probably shouldn't drink too much. You are less in control that way.