5 months ago i left a passion i loved and began my journey to recovery.
i kept my passion with me... close by at all times. i would get emails and messages .... and have conversations keeping me close and tied into my passion... so i was never far away and it always FELT like i was still...connected.
for a long time i kept my passion a secret. something only for me.
let me clear this up-
my passion was modeling.
its been months since i did a photoshoot. i still get contacted about them.... i miss it. ... i miss it alot.
ive found other ways to be artistic. and i briefly thought about going to art school. but decided against it for the time being ((ill go back to school for it later))
i thought not doing it for so long would make it easier ... but .... i miss it. i know i need to keep taking a break from it until i decide for sure what to do. i know there are risks ....
what to do???