I just wanted to make sure to give those of you still dealing with chemo or those of you that have just finished a heads up. Be sure that once you get the okay from your oncologist, that you go back and visit your dentist.
My husband finished up chemo back in December and the doc gave him the "okay" to go to the dentist. However, even with nagging from me, he wouldn't go. Well, the other night he woke up with a fever followed by some severe tooth pain. Turns out, he has an abcessed tooth and some other damage from the chemo treatments. So, my advice would be to NOT wait until something is wrong, but take steps to ensure you dental health is okay, too.
I know going to the dentist probably isn't at the top of everyone's list at this point, but just don't let it fall by the wayside when facing your after care. :)
I never thought of this, although I am regular at the dentist. I did have a sore mouth for a while, and badly-performing taste buds, but no teeth trouble. However, Gregswife's point makes perfect sense. Don't forget to tell the dentist what treatment you have just had.
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's troubles. I guess this is a reminder that it doesn't end when it ends huh? I wanted to ask you if your husband had mouth sores during chemo, and maybe this could be in direct correlation with those. I'm in my second cycle ABVD and I haven't had mouth sores per say, although a lot of soreness and inflammation in my gums. The BMX isn't working and my dentist is putting me on this regimen of a special toothpaste and mouthwashes, that I'm supposed to start next week. Any information on the subject would be helpful to say the least. Hangin' in there though, kickin' *** and taking names(Hodgkin's)!
Yeah, he used a special mouth wash when he was going through chemo, too. It seemed to help as well as gargling with warm, salty water. When you do finish chemo, as soon as you get the "all clear" from your oncologist. See a dentist. It doesn't make sense to wait until something goes wrong. Hang in there!
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