
I have been extremely sad and depressed lately and kinda unloved. I have been crying every day and I have been self injuring a lot this week. I am just feeling so low, and down and lonely. I just been wanting to stay in bed. I have no energy. I am not motivated to do anything. I am so tired and drained. I have to really push my self to do anything. I feel so tired I just want to sleep the day away. I feel so hopeless, helpless and unworthy, unimportant and undeserving of anything. I just want to feel numb. I just feel so awful. How do I get out of these feelings how to I feel happy again like I was last saturday. I am wondering what do all my support friends to when they feel this way? I am just going down hill fast and now I have to climb back up the hill which now just seems impossible, how am I am going to climb back up this hill I just feel so unable too, I just feel like I have no strength too do anything.


*HUGS* Hang in there. I'm sorry that's you're feeling this way. Don't remember if you told me, but are you seeing someone? Are you on medicine? just wondering. I hope you feel better. We're here *HUGS*

Thank you I am taking the hugs, I love hugs. Yah I am on medicine. Thanks for being here and thanks for the love and support.

*HUGS* I'm a hugs person :) I know they help :) That's good your on medicine :) Sorry your down... I'm with you there at the moment. This medicine I'm on - getting disappointed.... Can you talk to your doctor about how you feel?

I am a huggy person to it really helps me feel better. Yah I can talk to him if I don't feel better by next week I will. But for some reason he is always like concerned about upping the dose with me, I don't really understand why. Can you or did you talk to yours? Oh yah that's right you have an appt coming up real soon don't ya? Thanks again for your support.

My husband called on Monday and made me a regular doctors (medical) appointment and he put me on medication. Now I'm not feeling that great at the moment, but hanging in there. Also he wanted me to keep that appointment for the 23rd :) If this doesn't pass soon, I'll have to bring this up as well...and maybe soon.... :(

Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about it. Maybe he can try you on other meds? I'm not sure... :/ I hope things work out and you feel better :) *HUGS* <--- They do help :)

Why are not feeling that great? Yah I think you should keep that appt on the 23rd too. I am not afraid to talk to my doctor about it.

I am trying to find something to watch that is funny cuz laughing makes me feel better.

Hope you feel better to. Hugs back! I am here for you too.

That's good you're not afraid to talk to your doctor. Sorry, I kinda been typing funny and reading stuff wrong, lately. Also, at times I don't find I'm making any sense. That's good that you're trying to find something funny to watch :) That helps :)

Thanks for listening, too :) I posted, "Am I even ready to recover, yet?" under the the ED section and alll, for this evening. Just disappointed on a few things and down and such... :( Hoping things get better...I got to get off in a few minutes. I got to get the house straigthen up.. :(

Hang in there! Hope things go well and you're able to find a funny movie :) Talk to you later! *HUGS*


Your making perfect sense. Yah watching something funny does help. I am always here for you and I am a great listener, sometimes I have trouble at knowing what to say though. Sorry that your feeling down and disappointed about things. Hope that things get better for the both of us! I understand you have to get off soon. Thanks Hun ~hugs~