Detachment: went to Hazelton, saw famous author, Karen Casey

Has anyone read books by Karen Casey? I went to Hazelton and saw her speak...i bought some of her books... very exciting..... I have been a codependent for years... I have worked on it here an there... it has come to my attn. that i am in dire need of these skills as my daughter is active with her using again, and has turned into her dad.... the behavior... calis, mean, evasive, unresponsive, lack of interest and respect to her mother...etc.... anyone struggle with code with kids? I mean, grown 24 yr olds?how do u cope.... number one says to stop flow of money... i have... she is pissy now no doubt.....

This is very interesting information. Sometimes it is hard, but we have to do it for their own benefit. God bless you.

Karen Casey! Got it!! I'm putting it on my list of books to look for at my favorite place in the world... Barnes and Noble. It's SOOO cool to get to read again!! That's another thing I would get "in trouble" for, was reading books. What a loser..

Thanks Pirahna


kids are the same no matter what their ages and yes having one who is sly and decietful is hard but if u can take the emotions out of the equation and realise that its not u in person they resent its the authority u wield and continue on with life it does get easier in time to have a surface relationship with them sounds like an author i will have to get as well

be kind to yourself and do something nice

love D

Suzee: Your posts crack me up. I can't wait til the day when I can call my husband a ****, loser, or hasbeen. I am checking into the codependency site because my therapist on Thursday suggested I may have codependency issues, and we would 'explore' it next time. The nerve of him! Hee hee.