i already know the answer to this i'm sure but wanted to start a discussion on this. there are so many detox teas out there do you consider these purging when you drink them?
something in my heart just says "yes browngirl, if they make you guilty if you drink it, then its not part of your program" i've written my therapist as well for her opinion but wanted to see what everyone's thoughts are.
when i was really restricting i would drink dieter's tea to lose another few pounds but i haven't weighed myself now in a month - i know i'm gaining but i don't beat myself up anymore because its about my behavior and not my weight any longer.
thanks for your input
I dont know anything about bulimia, am just curious how herbal/natural drinks are regarded w/these types of behavior so I'll be checking back to see the replies.
Thanks browngirl, good post, will be interesting.
I dont believe detox teas rid your body of unwated calories per-say, I think its more ridding your body of toxins?
oh dear lord--YES...excercising too much is another form of purging and so are laxatives and detox teas--it is just getting the food out the other way.... not to be too graphic...
but yes it is a purge so please dont do it....
Sorry christa, I never really thought of detox anything as a way of ridding your body of anything but toxins. I was incorrect.
ok----it depends lilac--onyour attitude --YOU ATTTITUDE towards detoxing--
if you are saying oh i want to do this to lose weight--im gonna take this detox tea----then that is a purge..
but if you have severe stomach issues like me --and actually umm( ok dont want to get graphic here--LOL) get very "backed up" and want to help YOUR stomach out that is different.... but i think water, fiber, fruits and veggies help with that as well as peppermint tea and tea in general...
i would kinda just say--be careful and ask WHY --WHY am i doing this?? is it to help out my stomach or weight loss?
if the answer is weight loss---
then it is a purge...
it is a sticky area, so i would steer away from it all...
Only browngirl knows why she wants to drink the tea, so I guess she should be able to come to her own conclusion.
true lilac....
I totally agree with all of you. there are so many times i use water, exercise, restriction from eating at all, journaling almost anything to purge my feelings or to purge what i am eating for example. I have had a good number of meals today my stomach is satisfied but i desperately want more because i know that i'm trying to not only write down my feelings and food for my therapist but also asked my partner to let me know if i am eating past a certain time because it causes my stomach problems.
i do believe as all of you have said that it has to do with my intent. my intent some of the time with the tea is truly great healthful detoxing. my other intent, i have heard very correct responses is truly to purge what i ate that day that i am ashamed or embarrassed about. Thank you for the thoughtful and honest answers.
I might say stay away from the tea for now then. Although you are able to distinguish between the two wants, when ED takes over the line becomes very cloudy.
Yes I keep hearing my therapist in my mind saying ED's lies remember ED's lies. I think I'll just do regular tea from now and donate this box to the trash for now :)
I think thats a fabulous idea!!! The trash is the PERFECT place for it!! I just had a yummy cup of apple cinnamon tea...it was perfection!
good idea brown girl!!!! glad we helped! trash that tea!LOL.... and apple cinnnanmin tea does sound good right now..