Devastating news and a surprising ED outcome

Last week I received the news that my dog has a terminal heart condition. Although we can give him medicine to make him more comfortable, we cannot extend his life. Most dogs of his size who develop this condition live no more than two or three months. It was heart-wrenching news. I'm sure there are many of you who have lost pets over the years and can relate to the pain.

As soon as I heard the news I felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom to go throw up. I cried in the vet's office, I cried that night, I cried in the middle of the night and the next morning, and the next day, and at work, etc. And I couldn't eat. Everything tasted terrible, everything hurt my stomach, everything made me feel like I was going to barf, so for two or three days I pretty much had bananas and toast.

On the third day I woke up feeling tired and weak. I thought about what I had eaten over the past few days and realized that it wasn't enough to give me energy. So I went to the store and bought $30 worth of high protein stomach-friendly food-- things that go down easy and stay down, "comfort foods" if you will, things like cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, toast, protein shakes, granola bars, etc.

I had always wondered what would happen to me these days if something really emotional happened. Would I starve again? Would I turn to ED again? Would I take out my pain on my body? Well, this was just about the worst possible news, and I didn't do any of those things. I had a few days of distress followed by a plan to take care of myself. And it kind of happened automatically, I just ended up at the store. It was like my body was sending me distress signals and I listened. And I didn't sit there wondering what it was saying, I just knew what it wanted.

I'm still sad, and I can't imagine how it's going to be the first day I come home and my puppy isn't there to greet me at the door, but in terms of ED recovery, I'm kicking ***.

I never thought I would be able to handle a situation like this. Recovery is so possible.

--heather small feat..the entire process has brought you here! I am so sorry about your dear puppy. I hope that you have people around you can talk to about it all. Thank you for sharing this...very inspiring!! Jan ♥


I'm so very sorry to hear about your dog. The loss of a pet can be very hard to deal with, and we're all here for you :) but as for your emotions...This is such good news :)
I remember when my first dog died. It was at the beginning of the summer I was going from grade 6 to grade 7, and I had to graduate from the school I had gone to all my life, to a new one. He died in the middle of the night while I was sleeping over at a friends house so I could never say goodbye. That always hurt me. Then, over that summer I had stomach problems constantly, which I believe were caused by emotion. I always felt sick and hardly ate. Since this was pre-ED, the lack of food, I noticed caused me to loose; and I liked that...could have been one of the various dominoes in the cause of my illness.

BUT! Now that we are both aware of our emotional states and the horrible ways of ED, we can learn to fight our old habits when our guard has been dropped. We can learn to deal with things properly, and healthily, which is what you have done here. I'm so proud of you, and I hope you are as well :)


Im deeply sorry to hear about your puppy.I know what its like to lose a pet.
Its good to hear that you didn't let this drive the Ed to kick in and strenghten. I too can now see when Im haveing sad days or feeling depressed the effect my low mood has on my appetite and my eating habits.
I have had those days too many and even though I may have slipped a little from time to time I got back on track with my eating.
I have lost 3 pets in the past 18yrs its hard to say goodbye because they mean so much to us.
I too hope you will have someone to talk to about it.

I am so sorry Heather to hear about the loss of your dog. I have lost two dogs and I went into depression at the loss of the second dog. However, after the purchase of a puppy, I had time to heal, and my depression went away. It just takes time. I am sorry to hear that you have had an ED. Good for you, to go to the store and buy good foods for you. I hope you feel better soon. God bless you. Liz


I am sooo sorry... I know very well how painful it is to have to say goodbye to a beloved friend and companion... ♥ There aren't any magic words to take away the pain. I know it's hard, but the BEST thing you can do is to really grieve this loss... It sounds like you're doing a great job of taking care of yourself, despite the emotional pain you're feeling... Good for you!

Sending HUGS!! ♥

