Diagnosed a few weeks ago and have been struggling with suicide ever since. The only person who knows is the man who gave it to me and he doesn't want anything to do with me despite also having the disease. Do you know how low it feels when the person who gave you Herpes wants nothing to do with you?
Unfortunately yeah I do. Basically going through the exact same right now, But suicide and having those thoughts is not the way forward. There's so much more to life than that, and letting it define you is something you shouldn't do. I'm struggling myself to get over this situation so if you ever want to talk about anything, dont hesitate to message me. you're not alone.
Please message me.
Please message me
Supported you and tried to message but it wasn't allowing me to, try and message me see if it works.
Hi Vivian, I also went through a similar experience after I was first diagnosed. The man I was seeing, who gave it to me, stopped talking to me. It was very hard to not take it personally, and I know he must have been going through a lot in his own life and guilt, but I feel that if the roles had been reversed, I would've handled it much differently.
I sobbed for weeks after the diagnosis and even had brief thoughts of suicide, because I felt so repulsive and unworthy of love. However, like the previous poster stated, suicide doesn't solve anything. It's not a way forward. It took me realizing how lucky I was to have only contracted herpes, a beign skin condition that has fairly mild symptoms, that I was going to be okay. That was months ago now, and it gets better with everyday. You will love again, you will feel normal again. One day, this won't even be on your radar.