My name is Jeanette and I am 25 years old and have been married for 2.5 years. I had my last period the week before I turned 25 (February 4, 2011). I was just diagnosed yesterday (June 7, 2011) after tons of blood tests. I am still in shock. I wanted my own children so bad. The thought in my mind I keep playing over and over is "I'll never have a child that looks like me". Anyone else feeling this?
Kittydizzle, I am so very sorry for what you are going through and I am here to offer my support in any way that I can. Did your doctor discuss any possible alternatives for you to consider? You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am just waiting to get a couple more tests back, then I am going to see a fertility specialist to see what he says. I am really hoping that I have some options, but invetero is soooooo expensive.
Jeanette, I am praying for you and praying for the most positive outcome in terms of options. I know that you will receive really good options for you. Please let me know how things continue to progress for you.
Thanks so much for the support. I will keep all updated as I find out more. :)
Hi Jeanette...
I DO understand how you are feeling. I wanted a child more than anything in this world and recently found out I can not. I do have those feelings of never having a "mini me". You found out almost exactly a month after me... :(
I am SO VERY SORRY...I would never wish this kind of pain on anyone and I hope that the tests come back in your favor.
Why did they say you were in POF? Was it blood work results? US? Please keep us posted, Please...
With love and prayers,
So here's the whole story (mind you this has been over the past 6 months). Originally I went in to my doctor for a lack of period, which NEVER happened before (by the time I got in for an appt. it had been 3 months w/o a period). I was having severe pains on my left ovary. My doctor ordered an ultrasound worried that it may be either an ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy. The day before the ultrasound the pain was soooooooooo bad. I went in and got the ultrasound done. The following days it seemed like the pain was starting to subside. When my doc finally called me back about the ultrasound he said it was neg (what the heck? right?). He figured it was a cyst that ruptured and I would be fine, but wanted me to see a gyno just to make sure everything was okay. So I went to the gyno for a pap and ovary check. She said I was a bit swollen on the side I was having pain and (obviously) tender. She ordered a slew of blood tests (i threw up during the labs) included in it was thyroid blood test and FSH, both came back high. The doc wanted me to so I went and saw an Endocrinologist. He ran some tests to test for hyperthyroidism and concluded it was only thyroiditis (which apparently clears on its own). He stated we just keep watching the levels as they go down on their own, and in some cases they go below what they are supposed to (if that happens I need to be on medication). So we are watching that as of now (actually went and got blood work done today to check my levels and I go see him again the 13th of June). Amongst all this with the Engo, the Gyno ordered my FSH test redone because she was in disbelief (she later stated that this was her first case of seeing this in her 20 years of practice [go figure]). Well the tests came back high again so when I went back to see her she told me it was POF. She then ordered a few tests that are apparently routine after the diagnosis to see if you are at risk for osteoporosis or heart disease. Once I get those labs back, and the ones I took today for my endo, I am going to a fertility specialist to see what he/she says my options are and what my ovaries look like (no one has told me anything about that yet)
HI!! I have POF also!! IT is so hard. Always here for you if you want to talk :)