did you......
As a matter of fact I did, many times. SMILE ;)
@turbulence awesome good girl
I did just now, thanks
@dark_and_twisty71 awesome so happy you did
@angelgir12 Thanks, I am happy I did too and i am grateful you posted such a cute picture. I don't get to see my granddaughters so I wasn't sure how I would handle seeing a baby, any baby, it's nice for me to know that I can still smile and think happy thoughts.
@dark_and_twisty71 aaawww Sweetie I am so sorry I know exactly how that feels. If you want to talk I am here for you
thanks angelgirl12, I just this week accepted that Ihave to let my grandchildren go. Their mother hates me and it will be a cold day in hell before she puts the welfare of the girls ahead of her hate. I am not a violent person and I don't get infuriated easily, but I am infuriated by this woman and I would love nothing more than to see her destoyed, but I can't think or feel that way cause it will eat me up. The 24 th of this month was the oldest ones birthday (she turned four) and I had all responsibility for her for the first 6 months of her life, the last time i saw her she was close to three, but it has been over a year...I hate their mother, and i think I am entitled to that, but it doesn't feel good and Iam hoping by letting them go and waiting for them to get old enough to make their own decisions will help me stop feeling like I could harm the woman. I hope other people feel that way too and it's not just me. Loving my granddaughters is more important than hating their mother.
@dark_and_twisty71 I really do understand and I would love to PM with you but I really need to get off here for tonight. I will be back on tomorrow and if you are on maybe we can chat. Just a quick question Is this your daughter or daughter in law?
I did when I saw this cute lil baby lol
@Jo722 hey ,really getting alot out of your posts. And i am not afraid of you anymore. You are to good to have been that other person.
@novasailor what do you mean?
I had thought you were a woman i met in kansas on wheat harvest.two summers ago. She looked real sweet but she tore up a path six miles wide between witchita and hutchison. I had seen her work over my friends and i ran for cover.