Didn't have an anxiety attack for 2 weeks, felt straight and all, used some xtc at a rave and didn't have any side effects a couple days after, just a little depressed. Now i'm at school and suddenly these weird thoughts come up AGAIN. what to do?
It can be soo frustrating when you feel like you're just hitting your stride and putting the anxiety behind you when it creeps back up like this. I'm sorry for what you're going through! School can definitely be a stressful situation though, and it makes sense that the intrusive thoughts are coming back. I would suggest when you they come up again, to not try to fight them, since this usually can lead to even more anxiety. Instead, I would try to take a deep breath and continually remind yourself that these thoughts are just words- they don't define you and are not the truth. It can be hard to realize that in the moment, but even just repeating that to yourself and trying to detach yourself from the thoughts can ease the anxiety and the thoughts will lose their power over you. I know this is all easier said than done, but it could help a little bit (though it does take time for this to feel natural). Know that you're not alone in this-we're here for you!! Best wishes!
Thanks, i've learned a lot of things on how to conquer this but at random moments these thoughts come up it's really frustrating
How have you been lately?