I am 25 years old & found out about 3 yrs ago that I have P.C.O.S . I am engaged & trying to get prego. I took clomid from june to nov & i Ovulated ONCE but NOTHING. From June to nov I might have had my period 4 times. my doctor took me off of Clomid & now in March she is allowing me to take it 3 more times.If not prego this month she is sending me for blood work next month on the 3rd day of my period. I am taking Clomid & metformin . The Metformin helps regulate my period. I am starting to feel discouraged. what else can I do?
well i have tried doing much of my own research on this disorder or syndrome and have found that clomid is not one of the best solutions. Due to the many side effects if used so long and if i may say i, myself is going to try the natural way to conceive. What i mean by that is daily exercising, healthy dieting, and also taking folic acid daily which is known to help infertility.