Divorce should be an easy thing to go through right. Well it

Divorce should be an easy thing to go through right. Well it hasn't been easy as I thought or am letting on. Or maybe I'm just confused or idk what. Or maybe I already know the answers and coming here to write is pointless but if I don't, it'll just end up getting bottled up and I'll start doing self destructive behaviors again. I really love my boyfriend and I'm very happy with him. In fact, he's the one I should've married but should've, would've, could've. If I only had met him earlier I know. I know what wasn't right was he had me destroy everything that had to do with my wedding day. I understand that it hurt him bc he wasn't the lucky guy, but I wasn't ready to part with it just yet. Granted my ex husband married his job and put me second, I get that and I also see where my boyfriend's feelings come into play but was it wrong of him to make me dump all my wedding stuff when I wasn't ready! I have no emotional attachment to my ex husband but just the sight of the box that my dress was in made him get upset and now my mom is going to sell it and I don't really want her too. I realize how this may come across but maybe I'm just reading into things to much.

2 Hearts

Divorce is never easy. You design the rest of your life with that person. You don't expect it to happen. When it does, your whole world falls apart. You need time to heal and process. You need to untangle your lives. Don't over think it and take care of you for a while. You simply can't worry about others right now.

I mean I have felt the motions and cried and still cry and I get angry but I'm planning on moving with my bf to SC to live with his parents next spring. I know my ex husband and I shouldn't have been together. So maybe a fresh start will help mend the process. There's nothing left for me if I stay here

1 Heart

That doesn't mean there will be nothing ever again. I still remember girlfriends from 10 years ago. You were married and committed and vowed to be with your ex. It's great that you are moving on. It gets easier with time.


1 Heart