Do you get this symptom

Does your skin feel like it is sunburned? On fire, painful? I get that sensation all the time and nobody can pinpoint the cause. They say its in my head.

Anybody know what causes that?

Thanx in advance,

There is always a reason for everything. Skin is a very sensitive part of our body, therefore it can be the reaction of the food,drinks and also reaction from your stress. Once, I had a glass if white wine and my skin was itching and irritable whole day. Certain chemicals or products can activate the itching or burning sensation of the skin. Try to notice when is more irritable than less, this way you will know why. Wishing you to solve this problem soon. God bless you.

I know this is a late reply to your post, but I have the burned skin sensation that you are experiencing. I generally feel it most in my hands, my arms and my face. It seems as though the issue occurs during a flare. Not sure if it has anything to do with it, but it generally happens when I’m not caring well for myself and not eating right. But, I notice it most when I have consistently been eating or drinking anything with artificial sweetener in it. For instance, after a few days of drinking diet soda, I may notice the burning sensation more acutely. Although this may appear odd, it seems to coincide way too often with my ingestion of artificial sweetener to be a coincidence. My suggestion would be to watch what you eat, but do not use any artificial sweetener. I know this limits what you may have as far as sweetener goes, but you may want to try something more natural such as stevia. Just a suggestion. Doesn’t hurt to try.

Thanks for trying to help.

The symptom is all the time. All the time, and worse during a fibromyalsia flare up.

Not quite sure where it is coming from. Its not food or allergies. This has been my whole life, since I can remember. Nobody ever believes me.

I have met others on the internet with the same problem, they have always been told its in their heads as well. Nobody believes them.

It is frustrating when one is not believed - almost like they want attention. I have been told that as well. I am just trying to figure it out now that I found a website that has people with similar diagnosis' as myself.

Back to square one! :-/

Know this really really late but I know that sensation! I get it when I take niacin that is not flush free. Maybe they couple test your vitamin levels??

Is it possible that it is a symptom of the Fibro, I ask this because it gets worse during a flare up??

I get the burning sensation when I get a flare up,or sugar overload too,mostly the a big part of it.The more anxiety I have,the more burning and dizziness gets…Make any sense?

Yes it very much could be but my Dr's don't seem to think so.
And other people on the net that have this, haven't had fibro. Unless maybe they have been undiagnosed. ??

Thank you for helping me to try and figure this out. I am leaning towards FM cuz it has to do with my nerves.

I was just wondering if others on here felt sunburned. Again, not hot to the touch, just a sensation of having sunburned skin if the skin is touched. Any skin over the entire body.

I feel like a crazy sometime. ugh

I get the same feeling. It’s like the burning you get when your out in the cold too long, then come into the warmth. My Dr says it could be autonomic nervous system response from prolonged stress, spinal stenosis, or fibromyalgia.

could it be a side effect from your medication?

I'm w/marcie & tright, I hope your doctors can help you find the reason. I've had skin cancer cut off me so I understand that feeling of being stung all over when I get into the sun.

Good luck & let us know what the findings are friend.


Is it just you skin? Rosacia maybe? It stings and itches and looks like reds blotches Sam (I probably spelled it wrong)

It feels like you spent too much time in the sun. Sunburned feeling minus the heat. Hurts all over to even lightly touch, not red,blotchy,itchy...nothing like that. Skin looks normal, just feels like a bad sunburn and it hurts to where anything snug fitting like a bra etc cannot be worn.
I have had it almost my whole life. I remember telling my parents when I was a little girl and they pretty much ignored me because it didn't make sense to them.
It is nerve related, that's for sure. I get achey flu like symptoms with it. So its a fibromyalsia flare up because thats how my fibro flares up.

I am thinking it has to be nerve related with the fibro. There is so much they don't about fibromyalsia anyways. All that is pretty much proven is its overactive nerves and causes muscle pain etc.
For me, its skin as well.

I am just curious because so many people on line (if you look up burning sensation on skin surface) do have the same thing. Most have not been diagnosed with Fibro, but that doesn't mean anything. One day they might be diagnosed like me.

Thanks for posting everyone. Its hard to know if my symptoms are real or not. I have been told by many Dr's its all in my head. But so do the people on the internet, they get told its in their heads as well.

Oh its just odd to not have an explanation. Bugs me. But have to live with it I guess. No changing that! lol So, whatever.

Nothing takes it away, not my gabapentin. That just helps the muscle/nerve pain. Not the skin surface. So I just suffer through it.

Thanks again peeps! You guys are great - love this site!!! :-)))

God be with you all and bless you!!

I get the same sensations which is unusual because I am a male with Fibro. However as everyone has said I only get that way during flare ups and it hasn’t happened since I began taking Lyrica.

Jeanne, I looked on line, the only thing I could find said you could have poor circulation in the blood vessels of your skin. This would cause pain like a sunburn with no visible side effects. It would be everywhere because your skin is constantly being nourished by these small vessels (search WebMD) Sam

It is more of a topical sensation and not deep tissue. What exactly did you type in to search? There isn't numbness, its a sunburned feeling. I tried to search webmd as well but couldn't find the poor circulation of blood vessels. So what words exactly did you search? I would like to read that- Thanks Sam!

oh girl, it is the fibro!!!!!!!! i read up on fibro and it can soooooooooo do this! i have to stay out of the sun and it suvcks cuz i miss that! when i go out i wear hats n sunglasses n everything! looks so weird. so our nerves are messsed up so we get in too much sun, so we burn easy. very easy cuz our nerves are hypersensitive. so yeah it is fibro, that is one big symptoms of it and it sucks like crazy cuz i watch sooooo many people having fun in the sun n i cant anymore. ughhh! n light sensitivity drives me nuts, i cant look at any light, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hate this , i so hate this so much. no light, no sun, it is hell

hope this helped


get some books on fibro, it will help you understand or resdeach it online. there are soooooooooooooooooo many symptoms of fibro it is crazy. you can get tingling, and burning, and weirs sensations, go hot then cold, flu like, and get this weird feeling, like you put ur hand in ice then put it in hot water..... oh man that hurts... and it sucks. researxh it online or libraries or get books online. i got some but didnt like them much, ill find some more. i research online, there is more info. oh and there is a link ineed to give u. it is really good, ill find it.

dont worry, there is a cause of this, ok but it sooooooooooooooooooooo sucks! ugh


I have been like this for almost an entire week. It is the hardest episode I have ever had it has been so severe. I cannot even walk to the bathroom without using my 2 canes like a walker. I cannot bend my legs. My entire body feels like it wants to die!

Why oh why?? Dear Lord this is just not right!

I felt like I was getting better yesterday too. Now its like i am starting all over again.

It is not caused FROM being in the sun. I am never in the sun, ever! I have to take Vit D every day because I was so low. I have had this long bout with agorophobia - fear of people, crowds, phone calls etc - it starts to get better than acts up again for weeks on end. I am becoming a hermit. Never leaving my bedroom.

I miss going outside. I miss my life! Its not something that I am handling very well, even though I pray everyday that The Dear Lord will take my sufferings as I offer them for the souls in purgatory!

I am so very frustrated, not only with the diseases I have, but also myself and how I handle them. I am not doing too good today. I try not to let it show to my family. But inside i just want to run around and play ball with my kids or walk the dog for pete's sake.

I guess if i never knew what it was like I wouldn't miss it as much, but I used to be so active and never had a thing to complain about! ugh I am not good at handling any of this. I need some major comforting and healing. Seriously. I cannot show it to my family, I have to stay strong for my kids. I am so thankful I found this site. It gives me some release when I need it. I know others understand. I am so thankful. I feel so alone sometimes. Its nice to share with others, so we do not feel so isolated and we know we are not alone and we get positive support or a good wallowing with someone. It helps.

I think thats what I need. Anyone? I am starting to really not like myself.

i feel exactly like u do. exactly, word for word. i miss who i was..and now everthing is just lost and i dont know what to do. i dont know why god would do this to me or anyone, it isnt right. for anyone.

anyway, u have me. here. i am swelling with fluid, sigh, gotta get that checekd out on top of everything else is a big huge problem, this thing called life. one problem after another, no peace. i really dont like life. sigh.... anyway, i understand how u feel. i do.... n im here.
