Will It Help, Or Be Just Another Expense?
You, of course, have a right to an attorney in a drunk driving case, just as you do in any court proceeding, but the question is in this day and time will hiring a DUI lawyer really help or merely end up being another in a long line of expenses.
Even if this is your first drunk driving offense, or your first brush with the law for any reason, it's going to be an expensive process. The decision you have to make is whether or not you can afford even more expense by hiring an attorney who specializes in drunk driving cases.
Do You 'Need' an Attorney?
Naturally, attorneys are going to tell you that you "need" to hire an attorney who focuses on defending drunk drivers. DUI (driving under the influence) is a "serious offense" that could affect your future and employment, they will tell you, and that is true.
As one of the websites that promote drunk driving attorneys says, "Choosing the right DUI lawyer may help you save your driver's license and get your drunk driving charge reduced or even dismissed." The key word there is "may" - they may be able to help and they may not either.
Read More: http://alcoholism.about.com/od/dui/a/Do-You-Need-A-Drunk-Driving-Attorne...