Does anyone else have this issue? That your mind keeps convi

Does anyone else have this issue? That your mind keeps convincing you that same sex features are more attractive than opposite sex features? I mean I know that's like the whole aim of HOCD is to trick you with that thought, but ever since HOCD struck all I notice now is if a girl is pretty or has nice eyes or lips and it just freaks me out so bad. I never had this problem before, like of course I would notice when another girl was pretty but that's normal, everyone knows when a member of the same sex is good looking. But never in the sense of wanting to be with them.... I hate this. I never know what's real anymore. I just want to go back to being me.

1 Heart

I had a Human Sexuality Class back in college. Professor on the first day drew a Large Semi Circle Left Side Completely Homosexual Right Side Completely Heterosexual. Top Middle Bi Sexual. His point was that Few People Are 100% of any of them. Society
Has taught us to block out any feeling other than heterosexual. Lets Face It we all want to be NORMAL

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)