Does anyone ever have like vivid gay thoughts that don't aro

Does anyone ever have like vivid gay thoughts that don't arouse you but you somehow think you're ok with them but then you really think about it and you feel really violated and exposed, like you're naked and you KNOW that isn't you leading to a panic attack? And if so how did you get through the this? Please tell me I'm not alone.

2 Hearts

You are not alone
I feel the same way

@HurdleGirl99 do you ever feel like this eventually will fade and it won’t be HOCD because of how real the thoughts feel?

Yup i used to get real bad anxiety when id think those thoughts
The anxiety is down the thoughts are still there but now it freaks me out that i dont get anxiety
Like its like they dont bother me anymore, or that now i like them
But i just know its HOCD

@HurdleGirl99 the worst question i have ever had but How do you know ? :frowning:

Watch the youtube videos of Eddy Defoe and/or Mark Freeman. They have a lot of information to share that you need!

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)