Does anyone feel anxious like before appointments or somethi

Does anyone feel anxious like before appointments or something that's scheduled? Like knowing that there's an appointment or something you have to do at a certain time takes up the whole day like getting ready and then waiting around until it happens?

1 Heart


Me too!

Like I have to go to a meeting at 7pm but like all day I've had a stomach ache and I've been ready to go since like 3. But now I have nothing to do but sit and wait until its time to go, even though I don't actually want to go to it. UGH.

Maybe you can try to calm yourself down? I'm normally getting anxoius because of something I'm worried about regarding the appointment. Maybe you can try talking yourself through it and reminding yourself that the meeting will not be bad for example/not expect the worst. Try to say positive rather then going to a negative place. Easier to say...much hard to do!! Hope you feel better!!

1 Heart

I have to go to this seminar about a weight loss program I'm starting for 12 weeks. That's also making me anxious. I hate people judging me. The fact that it's about weight doesn't make it better.

I get what you are saying! I have struggled with weight my whole life. But the biggest thing for me to remember with anxiety is to challenge my thoughts. This has helped me so much! For example..... take a minute to be proud of the step that you are taking! Seminars that are about weight loss I would like to hope have professionals that are understanding to people in all shapes and sizes. As well, some people (if an open course) are going to be just as uncomfortable as you. Don't let your anxiety hold you back if you are using this as a tool to help you!

Thank you. I'm glad you guys are all here! Even writing about it helps sometimes to have people validate your feelings. Thanks <3