does anyone have any advice for how to deal with someone who's rejected you because of your diagnosis ? I've lived with it for 10 years now, and recently got involved with someone, to whom I explained the situation previous to any sexual involvement. He decided to go ahead, but he's gone back on it and has said he doesn't want to be intimate anymore. Obviously can't force him, but how do deal after? I feel absolutely destroyed right now & completely heartbroken. If anyone has any advice or kind words, please help.
He does not deserve you then if he is going to let hsv get in the way. You are still the same person with ot without hsv. So it's his loss! Don't let this bring you down because he isn't worth it. The right person is out there for you :)
@StayingPositive15 Thank you. It’s been tough. I guess his morals/principles were too high & that was his reasoning. It’s still hard even after 10 years to understand and deal. Your words mean a lot.
I'm sorry this guy treated you like that though :/ it's really disappointing, but at least you did the right thing and told him, the right guy will be understanding of the situation. It's hard but hang in there, we are all here for you if you need anything
@StayingPositive15 Much appreciated. It’s good to know there is support out there, and that people aren’t telling me to wake up & get over it. I don’t think it’s something you ever really can, unless you go to a site where it’s specifically meant for someone with the same vd for dating. Otherwise, it’s a continuous thing in life and it’s tough.
I really feel bad for you. After 10 years do you still get outbreaks?
@alt-7 Yes. I’m currently on daily suppression meds. I suffer from bipolar as well, so my stress levels are high. I get a good few outbreaks a year as a result.
there is a way to stop outbreaks so you don't need meds. That may be something that you can forget about and just go on dating without worry
@alt-7 never heard of it…only homeopathic methods, but i know they wouldn’t work. I unfortunately have to rely on the meds. but is there an option i’m not aware of ?