Does diet effect epilepsy?

Hey guys,
I was just wondering has any others of ye found that diet effects your epilepsey? A lot of sugar seems to increanse my chances of getting seizures.

Anyone else?

Love ye
MG x

Hi Moongal, I do not have direct experience with Epilepsy, but would like to offer my help and support. I found some information here; I hope this helps a bit.

Hey hun,
OMG, that is so sweet of you...what would I do without you? I'll check that up. You never know it could be a blessing and help me with my BED too, although I could be the first who's descibed epilepsy as a blessing:)

How have you been hun?

Love you
Moongal x

Of course, I am here to help in any way that I can. Thank you so much! And, I really hope that it helps both :-)

I am doing very well, just a bit of a lazy Sunday. Thank you for asking. You're so wonderful!

Not at all I am not. I would just do anything to keep these seizures at bay, not so much for myself but they are scaring my mam and dad as they probably should but now they've gone a bit OTT on the protective routine. Mam is afraid if she hears a noise out of me that it's a seizure...grrr.

It's going to be a tough challenge keeping the seizures at bay and the eating under control...maybe it all could be a blessing in disguise, cos I don't have a choice now I can't eat cos of the fits, but I don't know.

So how's work going with you and everything?

Moongal x

Moongal, has your doctor given you any insight on your seizures and what you can do to keep them at bay? Is there anything in particular that triggers them and is this something that you've always had? I hope that you are doing well today. Sending you big hugs.

Hey Puppy,
Since I got that concussion something has been off with me, that and too much sugar really effects me.

So I really am trying to control/resolve the whole binge eating thing which is difficult but I'll get there.

Hope you are well sweetie.

Love you
Moongal x

Oh Moongal, I had no idea about your concussion, I am so sorry to hear that. When did this happen and have you been to the doctor for a follow-up/check-up?

Oh hun don't worry about it, it happened New Years Day. I had a seizure and hit my head pretty badly which caused it. Yes I've been to the doc, most of my memory has recovered but I'm still forgetful in some things.

He said it will come back eventually it's just these things take time and the fact that most of it's back is a good sign.

Oh my goodness Moongal, I am so so so sorry that happened, and I am even more sorry that I didn't know about it and acknowledge it. Sending you tons and tons of healthy healing energy. I know that you will be back to 100% health and better than ever before :-)

Ah thanks puppy, I will be better soon. I'm just a bit annoyed that the epilepsy is really shoving it's way in my life where as before it kind of stood in the background.

I know that this is just a short phase and part of your healing and recovery process. It's amazing how our body reacts physically to the emotional facet of what we are going through.

I know puppy, it's like it's taken centre stage now and my life has to centre around it. Which will take a bit of getting used to.

Hope you are going well hun
Love to you
Moongal x

You are such a STAR Moongal! I know that you will get through this. Know that I am here to help in any way. Sending you big hugs.