I quit smoking pot almost a month ago now, but I still get that urge to smoke up here and there. It's only a lighter click and one deep breath away and I know that sounds terrible but it seems like no matter how much time passes I still get that urge. It would probably not be so bad if my roommate didn't smoke at all, but she does so I still have to smell it on an almost daily basis. I quit not just so I could pass a drug test for a better job but also because I was OK with doing nothing and going nowhere all the time. I was sick of being stoned every second of the day. That one lighter click and deep breath would set me back a good week on the drug test I know that, and I do enjoy this new found feeling of sobriety after being stoned for literally a straight decade. I just want to know if that urge to smoke up will ever go away. It's nothing like it was a few days after I quit, but it can be a very strong urge too when I'm feeling stressed.
Sometimes, stress is the cause for some of our problems. The urge comes, usually, when you are stressed, therefore try to feel this void with prayers, meditation, walks, movie, going for a cup of coffee, gym, anything proper to relieve your situation. Do not give up, with time it gets easier and easier. Wishing you well. God bless you.
It's great that you want more out of life and are quitting potski to land a better job. I have always been told MaryJ's addictive properties are not physical like nicotine in cigarettes, but more of a mental addiction. There are physical withdrawal symptoms with nicotine. Yes, daily life stresses bring on the urges much like cigarette triggers. Since you can't avoid life stresses, it's time to find better ways to deal with them when they occur.
Marcie had the best advice to cope with stresses of day to day stuff. Find something that works for you. I have a strange ability to go on and off the wagon as far as pot goes. For some unknown reason, I don't "jones" when I don't have it to smoke so quitting is as easy as not smoking- it works like that, for me anyways.
Keep at it, maybe you will be one of those folks that will grow out of the habit? Living with a smoker isn't helping either. The temptation is constantly there and you will likely give in sooner or later....Harsh decision to move out and find a roomie that doesn't smoke. How bad do you want to quit? Moving might be a reasonable requirement for your quit.
Cheers to your efforts,
San Diego, CA
no i dont think it will ever go away but as dumb as it sounds i just
take a deep breath and say ok im not smoking for the next 5 mins just take it second by second if you have to but talk to a friend or dr or someone you trust and figure out what it is that you dont want to deal with that triggers that feeling