my last boyfriend used to threaten to dump me if i wouldn't have sex with him, and he pushed me down the stairs because i didn't want to have sex and then wouldn't go home when he told me to. he told me to go home because i wouldn't have sex with him, but he had already kicked me out of his house 3 times and i came back when he asked so i was going to stay there until he calmed down. he never physically forced me into sex or anything sexually, only manipulated me. so is that emotional/psychological abuse, or is it sexual abuse?
I suggest you google it because you will see that he is abusive and if you stay with him the abuse can and most likely will escalate.
This would be classified as sexual abuse..he pushed you down the stairs RED FLAG ..if he is doing this now what is he capable of later.
Don't get stuck in an abusive relationship.
yes its never ok for him to treat you that way its not good for you! get out of that relationship before it gets worse it will get worse!! im praying for you!
Found this today ....wanted to share it with you
he dumped me about 6 months ago, and kept trying to get back together with me and i turned him down. is it too late to press charges? i have some people who could testify for me.
his parents witnessed it but i don't know if they will help me out. but he also tried to kill his brother and his parents, and he attacked a whole bunch of people when he was little. i'm looking for those people because i think if i have that then we can at least get him for being a nutcase.
im continueing to pray for you! please be safe!
Sweety, please leave this man(if you could even cAll him that). He is abusive and things will only get worse. I mean he pushed you down the stairs. This guy has issues. There is no room for second guessing yourself. You made this post because you HAD A GUT FEELING something wasn't right. It's called your intuition. You need to ALWAYS listen to it. It will never do you wrong. You need to be confident that surely you can and will meet someone who will honor you. Remember, LOVE DOESN'T HURT! I myself was in an abusive relationship. He beat me one day when I was pregnant with his own child. Because of this, I hemorrhaged and almost died. I received a blood transfusion at the time(1970s). I unfortunately contracted Hepatitis C because blood wasn't tested well at that time. Now I am fighting a battle for my life because my liver is almost non functional. Soon I could die. I don't want to see this happen to you. Please, get away from this man. There is no changing him. The only one who can change is you...and by that I mean that you have to change by getting yourself out of this situation. You are the key to finding happiness. And if there were good times, FORGET ABOUT IT! It is not the case now. Nothing he can do can take away the fact that he pushed you down the stairs. I mean that is so awful. Please sweety, have confidence. GET OUT! You are much better than that.
I reread you post and realized you are no longer with him. Good for you! Let it be a lesson...and stare clear of people that remind you of how he was. Good luck!
I would press charges and stand up for yourself, no body sholud be treated like that. You are worth it.
If he has tried to kill people already and he has treated you this way time and time again, he has a very serious problem. he could be a psycopath. Your lucky you got out and you need to stay out! Stay far away from him! Trust me, if you were to slip back into a relationship with him...he may end up killing you.
Please go and find a womans shelter who offers counseling to women who have been abused. there you will see how dangerous it can be to stay in a relationship with an abuser. and don't be surprised if you find yourself experiencing some Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms.This couldn't of been easy to endure. Bless you.